
Public schools could be greatly improved if?

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  1. Oh, I sort of agree with parker even though it's not a politically correct type of thinking. Part of the reason teachers can't teach is because of the many students that do not wish to learn and because they are forced to be there causing so many problems that the whole learning environment is corrupted for everyone. The parents of these kids usually don't care about their child's education and see school as 7 hours a day that THEY don't have to have the kid at home. Yes, we could reach these kids, but there is no money for extra programs or teacher time and there are so many of these kids.

    I say, let them drop out and don't penalize a school for dropout rates. Teach these kids from kindergarten, no, you don't have to graduate, but if you want to make something out of your life, you will stay in school to learn!  (We as a society also need to reform the welfare system to discourage non-workers just because they can be supported for free, but that's a whole other, but related issue) If we did this, class sizes at the high school level would be lower, more classes could be offered, teachers wouldn't have to constantly deal with behavior problems and more kids who wanted it could actually learn something which in turn boosts test scores and saves good schools from failing the currently unattainable NCLB guidelines. At the lower grades, we need to bring parents into the limelight when it comes to behavior problems. Your kid disrupts the learning of his classmates on a chronic level, bring the parents into the classroom to help or just to witness. Make it mandatory, or they home-school that kid. Schools can not continue to be babysitters for these parents who, of course want their child to succeed, but are not willing to do anything to help.  

  2. heres my thoughts, they SUCK!!!! I homeschool our snn, for the 3rd year in a row, because the d**n public schools here have no clue how to actually teach a child. The teacher are rude, the would rather pay teachers that dont have a clue how to teach, when instead the school is lacking in materials to teach our children, but they will pay the teachers that dont know what there doing more!!

    I pulled my son out of public schooling for this sole purpose!  

    My son has been alot happier, & calmmer too sicne being homeschooled too.

    My son hated his teachers, they were all just too bitchy!

    he had 1 teacher call him stupid ( a speical ed teacher mind you!). I went up & dealt with her & put her in her place real fast! She ended up apologizignto him in front of the class too!

    Then he had 1 teacher that was so pissy, said it was becuse she was pregnant! This is BS when I was pregnant I was sicker then a dog, & spent a good part of my 9 months in the hospital figthing to keep my son, & I was NEVER like she was! I flat out told her to watch herself, these are children, & your talking to them as their adults, & they at the time were KG! I seen so many of the kids leave her classroom on tears!

    I personally think if your going to be a teacher in public schools  dont go in thinking your going to make the big bucks, & realize that the chidlren need materials first before you need your pockets lined with more $$

  3. They deemphasized the importance of standardized test scores and restricted their class sizes to about 20 students.

  4. They were not run for the sole purpose of turning out bored, brain-dead consumers:

  5. If...

    ...  everyone, other than people trained to educate, stopped trying to figure out "What's wrong?" and let good teachers do their jobs!

    ...  students had time to explore other options as a credited class/program.

    ...  all parents valued at least a high school education.

    ...  students in the United States realized how lucky they are, and didn't take everything for granted.

    ...  I as a teacher I had the resources to do the lessons that I wanted to (including field trips, technology availability, etc.).

    ...  we got past the traditional "school year" schedule and thought a little more flexibly.

    ...  more people realized that not child in this country will be up to reading grade level by 2010 (thanks, NCLB) for various reasons.

    I could add more if I thought about it but it hurts my brain, as well as my soul...

  6. get rid of the aclu influence (every student deserves an education even if they don't want it). go back a half century in american history-if a student does not want the education he has a right to, let him/her join the work force instead of forcing school on them.

    fund education properly and generously. stop over regulating the funding.

    give huge pay incentives for "highly qualified" teachers.

    b friske just elaborated wonderfully on what i am trying to get across!

    students that don't want to be in school usually create discipline problems. yet educators have fight the uphill battle with these students. is my suggestion p.c.? NO! would it help? i think so,...

    in a perfect world, all citizens would want to be erudite,

    in a perfect world, all students would have a voracious appetite for education

    in a perfect world, the disruptive students would care about my right to teach and their peers right to learn.

    THE WORLD AINT PERFECT! and underfunded political edicts to make it perfect will not make it so.

  7. Throw money at them.  Remove a great deal of the administrative paperwork from the teachers so they can focus on teaching.  Increase professional development opportunities.  Increase teacher planning time.  Restrict class sizes.  Put a focus on teaching critical thinking skills and problem solving.  Encourage the use of technology.  Discourage teaching to the standardized test.

  8. If Republicans were in control of congress.

  9. They had a class that taught humanity and how to handle feelings and everyday life.

  10. if it was more for education and less about administrators and policies

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