
Public <span title="school?....................................?">school?.....................</span>

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My dad wont let me go to public school cuz he thinks il slack off and **** and im going to a private school which is much better whats the difference between the two and are public schools just as good?




  1. I just graduated from High School ......and public school I believe provides you with the opportunity to learn about different ppl from different backgrounds...and you are able to be social and overall the education i believe is good its what you make of it I took all honors and Ap classes came out with an 4.16 gpa....public school gives u a better experience with different types of ppl from different economic backgrounds....private schools i believe would just put u into a place of a one set mind where everybody is from the same economic class or whatever i do hear that private schools do have some benefits as far as connections maybe maybe not.........PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE THE BEST .........

  2. I think private school is defintley better than public school. I also disagree with the person who said that public school is the best, it&#039;s not. I went to public school, I know what it&#039;s like, you hear and see all kinds of filthy things. I definitley think private school is better.

  3. unfortunately i disagree with the person who said public schools are best. i went to private school for 5 years and i met so many different types of people. every school is different. i went to public school before private school and i left my private school to try public school again and i really hated it. everyone is the same, people are obsessed with petty things. im not saying private schools are amazing or anything, school just sucks in general, but you just have to do your homework on whatever school you decide to go to, go to school there for a day and follow someone around before you make a commitment.

  4. Public schools can be great, if you want to be a little robot who recites standard answers and can&#039;t think for yourself.  The standards in the public school system have been lowered considerably thanks to the &quot;No child left behind&quot; act.  Instead of helping the students who need extra help they lower the standards for everyone.  Private school is a much better option because they usually have smaller classes which offers more individual attention.

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