
Pubs or wine bars?

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I like both - especially after work!




  1. Pub everytime. Wine bars don't do quizzes or happy hour

  2. got to be a pub

  3. pubs cos u can have a laugh with the lads

  4. Pubs

  5. I reside in the States and we do not have "Pubs" or "Wine Bars" but we do have many bars in which they tend to whine considerably.

    Therefore, I tend to be biased to the preceding.  Cheers!

  6. Pubs.

  7. It would have to be a pub don't like wine.

  8. pubs!

  9. Pubs for me. Whos for a drink???????

  10. Pubs ya can go in ya work clothes and not get thrown out

  11. Who cares! There's alcohol in both of them right!?

  12. cheers mate

  13. Sometimes a wine bars can be good for a special occassion, if you can find a really good one, but generally speaking pubs.

    There is something wonderfully cosy about a pub where you can just walk in at anytime and always have at least one person you know who you can talk to, not have to worry about how you look or whether you're being judged... My local feels to me like an extension of my living room (which is quite a feat seeing as I live on the London border!) and I would miss that feeling if it were no longer there.


  14. It as to be the winebars for abit of class

  15. pubs... the atmosphere its so much more friendly and relaxed...

  16. wubs or bine pars? What that?

  17. wine bars

  18. Pubs, proper pubs that smell like stale beer and have random alcoholic regulars at the bar.

    Can't stand any shiny, metallic, light wooden floors type place. I need somewhere nice and dingy to lurk.

    Guess I'm in the minority though!

  19. Wine Bar - in fact I prefer cafe bars - its a less smoky atmosphere.  I am allergic to tobbaco smoke - so I find it difficult in pubs.

    But I go to pubs more often now because of the smoking ban in Scotland - yipeeee!

  20. pubs, cant beat good pub culture. wine bars are too s****.

  21. Pubs, wine bars can be a bit poncey and you know where you are in a pub.

  22. its gotta be pubs....

  23. Certainly not wine bars as they are full of pretentious numpties who ponse around the place thinking that people will assume they are really important when in fact they work in a call centre for 10K a year.

    Pubs are not what they used to be either, but they are still better than wine bars.

  24. i don't frequent either , as i am a respectable adult and mother, but when i do feel like a drink out, i have enjoyed the Irish pubs. haven't been here long enough to have frequented one yet.

  25. you like wine bars? your either female or bent. Stick to pubs
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