
Pudge traded!!!!?

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Why did the Tigers do this! They could have got more players! I am really angry at the Tigers! The Yankees won this. What do you think?




  1. idk why they did that trade it is a way better deal for the yankees than the tigers that was a bad trade for the tigers

  2. You got to understand. 55 games to go. His contract is over after this year. The tigers needs relief pitching. Also he was getting angry because leyland rested him 2 time a week really.. He wanted out.

  3. Tigers are dumb. Zumaya could have been their closer, not Farnsworth. They acquired someone that has already been in their organization. Horrible trade for the Tigers if you ask me, they've basically given up on their season....

  4. ....did Pudge sleep with Leyland's wife or something?  WOW.

  5. I think it was a smart move considering Posada could be gone for the remainder of the season.

    He will probably bat 7 or 8 in the lineup and is a steal for the yanks who only had to give up a dumpy middle reliever in Farnsworth

    i'm not a yankee fan, but they obviously won this trade

  6. smart move by the yankees

  7. This is the worst trade of 2008.  Yankees get a replacement catcher and the Tigers get... Farnsworth.  DUMB DUMB DUMB.  I am really mad at the Tigers' management.  Secretly I hope Ivan is injured so manage wasn't stupid after all...An injuried Ivan would make this a fair trade.  Didn't Milwaukee do that to the Yankees a few years ago with some really tall pitcher?

  8. yankee fans dont realize what farnsworth did for them.  sure he was horrible but he did eat up innings.  other then mariano, i dont know any other yankee bullpen pitchers...says a lot.  Hes the type of guy who can go out at pitch 2-3 innings and give up 1-2 runs each time which isn't good, but it does eat up innings which has been a major issue with the yankees this year.

    on paper it may look like a steal, but both teams get much needed help.

  9. yea i wouldve been fine with this trade if they got a decent pitcher and a prospect or 2 but for a bum straight up....pudge deserved more....this is c** that detroit obviously is giving up on the season its time to look forward to the lions....yippie

  10. The Tigers figured Pudge would leave after the season, and they need bullpen. However, the player the Tigers got (Kyle Farnsworth) will not help their 'pen much at all. Bad move by the Tigers - not because they traded Pudge, but because they could've gotten better than that.
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