
Puerto Rico Alcohol Law Question?

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I am a 20 year old US citizen traveling to Puerto Rico. Will I be allowed to drink?




  1. Yes you can drink.  But all towns have an "Ordenanza Municipal" or Municipal Ordinance. Which is you can buy and drink but only in the bar, restaurant, hotel or what ever but NOT ON THE STREETS, because you can get arrested and there is a fine for this.

    Under 18 is not allowed to purchase and / or use alcohol and tabacco.  Now, even though you  are 20 years old, you may need and ID that is valid such as the drivers license because some persons look younger than their age and an ID is better for assurance.

  2. Yeap!!!  Ur legal over here alright so Have Lots of FUN !!!  

    jejejeje ... some places have a 21 year old regulation to enter a Club but that's just a few of them .. most of them are 18 years old and up ...

    Anyways ... the LEGAL AGE for drinking is 18 yrs old !!!

    sooo .. Good Luck and have a nice trip !!!  


  3. 18 is the legal drinking age in Puerto Rico.

  4. If  You have  a  Valid  ID  and  the money  to pay for  it....of  course...

  5. For what I understand, 18 is the legal age. Clubs or anything similar may have their age requirement.

  6. 18 to drink, smoke, and gamble.  ID is typically not asked for either :)  The other regular US laws apply though, no drinking and driving, no open containers outside (albeit that's relatively new to PR as opposed to the mainland US), and you can be carded (it's just rare).

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