
Puerto Rico adventure safe????

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We are planning on doing the TANAMA CAVE & ZIPLINE ADVENTURE while in Puerto Rico in July. How safe is it? Is it extreme, or something a semi-athletic person can do? I am active, but not extremely athletic. I am worried I won't be able to keep up. Has anyone done this? What is it like?




  1. I have not been to that river, but it is know to have sudden rushes of water.  I suggest talking with the planners and see what they recommend.  I was planning on doing that tour with some of my friends during last Christmas break but we decided to change our plans.

  2. I have not done it personally, but have known people that have. Acampa is a very safe and reputable company here.  

    The people I know that went on it were not professional athletes by any means, and they enjoyed it.  You will be fine!

    Just be aware, the water is cold!

  3. You dont have to be an extreme athete for this, just follow safety rules and enjoy.

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