
Puerto Rico for American born Puerto Ricans?

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I am thinking about going to Puerto Rico sometime in the future, but as a Nuyorican, I do not want to stay in some boring touristy resort or town for rich white people or a meek hostel full of student travelers. I have no known family left in PR and would prefer to stay in an area where there are more natives than tourists, possibly at a small local hotel or B&B. Beach bathing and tacky discos are not my thing. Any suggestions?




  1. I suggest you to couchsurf. you can check out the cs project or this sites are about local people willing to host you when you come to Puerto rico, or if you dont want to be hosted they can even show you around, Im part of the project and I think its a great idea since a lot of people have visited PR and have had a great experience by couchsurfing (in here members are verified so theres no trouble with that). what you do its hang out with local people that are willing to host you and show you around, I encourage you to check it out .

  2. A Parador is  Your  best bet  and  Don't  stay in the cities  of  San Juan  or  Carolina...go  inland  or  to  the  South...Guanica  is  great...

    check these sites

  3. Try a "Parador".  Do a search for Paradores de Puerto Rico.

  4. I'm from Puerto Rico! If you want a more native area you HAVE TO GET OUT OF THE CITY! You should go and stay near "La Parguera" that is in Lajas, Puerto Rico. It is a tropical enviroment w/ lots of drinks & fun. Or you can go to the center of the island (central Puerto Rico). Its always fun there and there is a lot of natives. HAVE FUN! I know you are...

  5. Check "Punta Guilarte" in Rincon is beautiful and their is cabins right by the beach that you can rent. Have fun PR is great.

  6. You can go to Las Marias in the Mountains and wont have to worry about rich white tourist. Oh yeah, I have a farm there and Im white. Then again, you will be consided a tourist so maybe you shouldnt go there and stick to the city with the other tourist.

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