
Puerto Rico rejects ''US colonialism'' at the United Nations, You agree?

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PUERTO RICO goes to the United Nations and denounces USA colonialism, you agree?

The governor of Puerto Rico denounced ''US colonialism'' at the United Nations. Puerto Rico is asking for it's sovereignty and self determination as a spanish speaking latin american nation.

Some facts:

Puerto Rico was invaded by the US in 1898 (along with Cuba and Phillipines) but annexation plans failed due to cultural and political resistance.

Puerto Rico remained under a US military colonial regime for about 50 years, during that time puerto rican nationalists had many revolts.

Since 1952, Puerto Rico is a self governing country (without sovereignty), with it's own constitution, national flag and anthem but it's sovereignty is still being held by the US congress as a commonwealth/unincorporated territory.

In the 1998 status referendum over 51% of the voters chose 'None of the above' and rejected any territorial status.




  1. No don't agree.

    Puerto Rico does not want statehood because they get government aid and special treatment that would disapear if they became a state.

  2. Yes, I agree.  Bye bye, Puerto Rico!

  3. I'd say let them have it. They can kiss their economy, subsidies, and welfare goodbye though. They don't wish to become INCORPORATED. For that i can't blame them really. Let them go on their merry little way. Let them have their sovereignty. We should foster True Freedom and Independence instead of trying to quash it.

    Give them what they want.

  4. Cool! Can we stop supporting their paper thin economy now?

    Besides, I look at Brooklyn and I have to ask: Who is "colonizing" who?

  5. You misrepresent the 1998 referendum.

    The choices were

    1. the status quo, popularly known as "commonwealth"

    2. US Statehood

    3. Independence

    4. None of the Above

    They choose None of the Above.

    Puerto Rico seems to want Independence, but maintain US Citizenship.

    And that is never going to happen.

    They also want, to be able to declare Puerto Rico a US State, without the permission of the US Congress.

    Again, thats never going to happen.


    Puerto Rico has never ask for independence.

    They have never asked to become a soverign nation.

    Or actually they have, but with the qualification that they remain US Citizens.

    You cannot have it both ways, you cannot be a soverign nation and demand citizenship rights in another soverign nation.

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