
Puerto Rico residents/voters: Will you vote for Clintons or B. Obama?

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Media reports here stress how Bill, Chelsea, and Candidate Hillary are cris-crossing your island boundaries. . .Have you met them and will you help propel her to the White House for a follow-up term in 2009-12? I am eager to hear before tomorrow's decisive P.R. Primary ! ! !




  1. My opinion:

    NO presidential vote, NO vote in the primary.

    ¿Are we really equal?

  2. I rather vote for McCain, but so far Hillary has always been the nunmber one choice here in PR, since she's been here several times and it's very well known. Obama is too johny-come-lately for us to vote for him.  polls sugest hillary will carry  about 70 percent of the vote, & obama about 30.

  3. I'm all for Hillary

    she has done a way better campaign than Obama!!

    Í do give him extra points for the Spanish commercial but in a way he seems to fade in the background next to the Clinton's island criss-crossing island extravaganza.

    Hillary will definitely kick butt tomorrow.

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