
Puerto rico immigration question?

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my friend and i are trying to decide weather or not puerticans are born legal america citizens. can someone provide a true answer with proof. thanks a bunch in addvance




  1. First and more important, you and your friend are not deciding whether or not puertoricans are born legal American citizens.  That was decided back in 1917.  

    In 1917, Congress signed the “Jones Act” into law.  This law granted all puertoricans the American citizenship.  In other words, puertoricans have the American citizenship guaranteed by Congress, unlike everybody else that has their citizenship guaranteed by the Constitution.

    It will take another act of Congress to withdraw or reverse the Jones Act.

  2. Most definantly Puerto Ricans are born US citizens...heck the democrats wouldn't waste thier campaign time down there if we weren't!!  But in case you need the proof click the link for a history lesson!  

    WWI & U.S. Citizenship

    In 1914, when the U.S. entered World War I, of about 200,000 Hispanics mobilized 18,000 inductees were Puerto Ricans. The majority served in six local segregated infantry regiments, guarding key installations on the island and the Panama Canal zone. Three of the regiments, the 373rd, 374th, and 375th (a unit of black Puerto Ricans) made up the Provisional Division of Puerto Rico. The four-year war ended before the unit could deploy overseas, and was demobilized in 1919.

    In 1915, a delegation from Puerto Rico, accompanied by Gov. Arthur Yager, traveled to Washington, D.C., to request Congress grant the island more autonomy.

    In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act. It granting Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship, a bill of rights, and established a locally elected Senate and House of Representatives. However, the Foraker Act still determined economic and fiscal aspects of government.

    In 1922, the legal case of Balzac y Porto Rico , 258 U.S. 308, the U.S. Supreme Court declared Puerto Rico was a territory, not a part of the Union, and as such the U.S. Constitution did not apply in Puerto Rico. Women's right to vote was recognized in 1928. The Great Depression of 1929 impoverished the island. Some political leaders demanded change; some, like Pedro Albizu Campos, head of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, lead a nationalist movement in favor of independence. In 1940, the Popular Democratic Party wins control of the Puerto Rico Senate, and initiates a change in the island's political orientation

  3. Puerto Rico is a territory of the US, and its people are born US citizens, and have been since 1917.

  4. Toni L. has given you the correct answer and the historical background on how we obtained our citenzenship. Contrary to other allegations we never ask for it in fact we were sort ( to soften and not to sound harsh, lol) impossed the citizenship because of WWI, makes you wonder, lol.

  5. WOW ... yes they are US Born Citizens learn your history

  6. I agree with Wilfred.

  7. Puerto Ricans are born american citizens. If you need proof go to the site and read on the history. Have a great day!

  8. We get the us citizenship at Birth..

    By birth, either within the territory of the United States.

    Puerto Rico is a colony or territory of the US..a Commonwealth...

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