
Pulled muscle in lower back. any help?

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I seem to have pulled a muscle (or something) in my lower back last night. It is extremely painful to do anything other than stand straight or hold completely still. Any advise as to how to make it feel better quicker?




  1. Put a heat pack against it.

    If you don't have one, make your own.

    Take a large sock and fill it with dry rice (yes, Rice). Put it in the microwave (without any water) until it's the temperature you want.

  2. try laying down on a flat suface for a while.

    if it doesnt help right away, try doing it throughout the day.

  3. ibuprofen and aleve are available over the counter. You can take tylenol at the same time as one of the other listed meds to increase the pain relief. You can also use topical pain rubs (e.g., Ben g*y). Experiment with the hot packs versus ice packs to see which helps you more. Stretch.

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