
Pulled something in my knee running?

by  |  earlier

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it's been 3 days since i've ran last and i can barely feel anything when i walk. i can still feel something though. how long should i wait to start jogging again? what promotes healing? thanks.




  1. Just because you don't feel anything when you walk, doesn't mean your knee isn't done healing.  If it is feeling better to you (you know your body the best), try a small jog and if it starts to feel like a sharp pain and swells up afterwards, ice and ibprofen, go see a doc.

    Definitely wear a brace if you want. It's a bummer to say but rest, ice, stretching and strengthening the surrounding muscles (quads, hamstrings, calf, ankle) are the only things to help heal the knee. The last resort is surgery, depending on what the doc says. Hope this helps.

  2. well were a knee brace just in case . if swollen take ibuprofen  and soke in a tub with elpansalt

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