
Pulling a molar or getting a root canal?

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So I have a bad cavity in the upper back molar to the point where the dentist says a filling won't due and it needs a root canal. Now the problem is I had a root canal before and it was horribly unpleasant and costly and I'm not sure if getting my tooth pulled would be better.

The reasons being is that the dentist worries that my wisdom tooth back there may be growing and if I remove it, it'll also make room for it. The molar is the only crooked tooth I have so I figure it may just be overall better to get it pulled.

The question I have is that what is it like to have a tooth pulled? I've never had one done before.




  1. Hi, I work in a dentist office so maybe I can help?

    I also have had all my wisdom teeth pulled, and have much exp. with dentistry. Root Canals can be unpleasant, as well as an extraction. The question you need to ask yourself. Do you have the money to save the tooth, if yes than by all means try to save it. If the answer is no. Then you need to consider the fact that you will be loosing one of your main chewing teeth. If you have any more questions feel free to contact me.




  3. 2 ways:

    1st Dentist can pull while u r awake. will  inject with numbing agent, if he do it right,  u won't feel anything but  discomfort from having ur mouth jacked open.

    2nd Dentist can put u to sleep and u enter fairy land  and wake  up.

    You will feel a bit of pain but u will also get pain pills to fight off pain. it doesn't feel bad just discomfort for about 2days. u may get a migraine from pain and  won't b  able to chew easily  for first day. for sum its really painfuland for sum it isn't but the pain is after tooth pulled. I've  had root canals and both wisdom teeth  pulled recently. no real  pain to be  concernedabout, take  the pain pills and u will be fine

  4. I just had a tooth pulled about 1 month ago.  I didn't really think it was bad at all.  The Pulling is nothing because you are numb, but it may be sore after and you can just take some pain relievers, but your dentist will tell you all about that.

    After I got my tooth pulled I went camping for like a week and was totally fine :-)

    Hope this helped!

  5. I used to work as a dental assistant and when it came to tooth extraction, everyone was different. I bad molars just pop out and I saw bad molars that needed near surgical procedures to come out. Normally, though, it would probably take about twenty minutes or less. Afterwards, you'll have to follow a few basic rules in order to keep the area clean and free from infection and/or dry socket. The dentist can explain these to you in more detail, of course. You'll get some numbing agent, as well, I'm sure.  

  6. i've never had a tooth pulled, but my hubby had a wisdom tooth pulled not long ago.  he was totally knocked out though, so not much help.  i also had a root canal done about 12 years ago...put me in the hospital for a week.  so i  agree with root canal.  get it pulled.  if it makes room for the wisdom tooth, so be it!  my husband has all 4 of his wisdom teeth in (the one was pulled because it broke).  they never bothered him before.  the only reason to pull the wisdom teeth is if they're causing discomfort, there's no room, or they're coming in crooked and will mess up the rest of your teeth (mine are growing sideways and making my other teeth crooked, but after my root canal, i refuse to go to the dentist!) .  as long as the wisdom tooth isn't causing you pain, but the tooth with the cavity is...just get it pulled!  the dentist left it up to you.

  7. Getting a tooth pulled is incredibly easy and quick. They give you a novocaine injection, then it takes like literally 5 seconds to pull--one quick yank. You might have some dull pain in the few days afterwards, but it's no big deal. Way easier than a root canal.

  8. Pro to tooth pulling: Quicker. Less traumatic overall.

    Con to tooth pulling: Teeth may shift(according to my dentist) due to gap. May need bridgework. Problems eating.

    Pro to root canal: Saves tooth. Looks better.

    Con to root canal: The filling they use has been linked to some health issues(but is most likely safe). Tooth may become brittle and need a crown(costs a bunch for those).

  9. I have just watched one molar being pulled a few weeks ago. First you receive several injection around the area of your molar. Then there is a tool which goes under and around the gum surrounding the tooth (it is like a cuticle pusher) the doctor goes around the tooth with this little tool and gently loosening it up and in the meantime tearing up some tissues which connects the tooth the the gum. Then he gets his/her pulling tool grabs on the tooth and starts gently moving it around and the tooth comes out. Did not hear a cracking noise or anything. It was surprisingly quick and painless procedure and the wound was stitched after the procedure. The skin above the hole where the tooth used to be healed nicely within a few weeks without complications.

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