
Pulse Reading For Diagnosis etc?

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Has anyone ever had a personal experience with the ancient art / science of pulse reading for diagnosis of one's state of health? If so how effective was the experience for you? Thanks




  1. Until quite recently this was a main tool Medical Doctors used to evaluate patients (before all the 10 million dollar machines that go "ping" drove all our insurance rates through the roof!)

    It wasn't considered "alternate" at all, anymore than administering natural substances, poultices, tree oils and other things were.

    Then the pharmacies took over the medical profession, and the medical schools, and all that changed (about 60 years ago now).

  2. I can read a person's pulse to determine their dosha for Ayuvedic massage. It's pretty correct, but that's about it. I know what your talking about I remember having it done to me as a kid, but I don't remember much other then that besides taking the homeopathic they gave me.

  3. It depends on the training of the practitioner as to how accurate a pulse reading is. There is a system that acupuncturists use called Shen-Hammer pulse diagnosis, and practitioners who have three or four years of training with a clinical teacher trained in this method are fairly competent. There are not that many places in the states where pulse diagnosis is taught, so it is hard to find great practitioners.

  4. many unknown things can be known. my son suffered from abdominal pain and myself  a homeopath gave him many drugs without much success!!  doctors said it was  appendicitis?   drips for that suggestion went wrong .. then only ''pulse ' reading showed it was a spleen disorder!!!!!  I gave a homoeo medicine for the spleen correction and there has been no pain  thereafter. also corresponding symptoms like fear , bed wetting went away!   I rate it as one of the best  way for  diagnosis.

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