
Pumas v Bokks! Who is going to get points on the board first? Will it be a Try, Penalty or DG?

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Pumas v Bokks! Who is going to get points on the board first? Will it be a Try, Penalty or DG?




  1. I agree with the first two answers.  I think the pumas will be a little gung-ho (however that is spelled) resulting in a penalty by Percy.

  2. pumas, and i think it will be a quick try.  They are sly!

  3. the boks will get a penalty first.

  4. Habana try in the 10th minute.

  5. If the "Pumas" can score first (by boot or try) then i think they will rattle the "Springboks" and may have a chance of winning.

    If the "Boks" score first however then i feel it will be a walk in the park for them and they could win by a long way.

    Lets not forget that the "Pumas" have been overperforming in this world cup and it could so easily come crashing down around them.

    Anyway, for first points Percy Montgomery will knock a penalty over for the "Boks".

  6. boks - try - first 10 mins, pumas will claw it back with a couple of penalties and keeping there head with a try in the second half.

    In the final 15 to 20 mins the team that keeps there composure will be the winner.......

    woohoo what an exciting semi this will be, I dont think it will be the white wash that is predicted...... cant wait!!!!!!!

    edit: d**n it! got the first bit right.....sort of, way off in the second got a bit boring in the end..... oh well put up another one for next week 'welshchick' lets see if we get it right this time!! lol

  7. The Boks will get the first points by a penalty by Percy Montgomery.

  8. I think that the Boks are going to score first.

    If it's a try, it will be scored by Jaque Fourie within the first 15 minutes.

    If that doesn't happen, Percy will score with a penalty in less than 20 minutes.

    Yeah, I'm being specific.

  9. Argentina have ben improving steadily over the years and are a match for anyone in a forward battle but South Africa are strong in that dept. as well .The side whose scrum retreats first will loose.Argentina to score first with a penalty but i got the French game wrong so what do i know about rugby This should be a very hard fought game

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