
Pumping milk at work?

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I am a teacher and I'm worried about how I will be able to keep up my supply when I go back to work. My planning period is in the morning and ends at 9:40. I can't pump at lunch because I take my kids to lunch as in I escort them there, supervise them at lunch and then take them back to class. So I don't get away from the children till 3:00. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could possibly still pump every 4 hours? Are there any laws that demand that I get this kind of break? I live in Alabama.




  1. Why can't you pump milk before you go to work and after so that you won't have to do it during school. Breastmilk lasts longer than formula! It can be freezed.

  2. I don't think that there is any laws about pumping at work. There is a breast pump that you could buy - it fits into your bra and you can set a timer and it pumps through out the day. Or you can do some research and present this to your boss about the benefits of breast milk and how it can decrease your child's illness therefor decreasing the amount of time that you have to call out sick because of her.

  3. Congrads on the baby and the desire to bf. I also pump at work. I am a correctional officer and somehow I manage to pump every 2 hours which was doc recommended. Do you get any bathroom breaks? Even just 5 minutes is better than nothing? How long is the ride home? If it is even an hour to nurse go ahead and pump!

  4. What about when they go to gym? I know the entire time I was in school, my teachers were always in the classrooms alone or on a break during that time.

  5. Firstly my hat goes off to you. I couldn't pump - just didn't work for me! As you are with the kids all the time it is a difficult one. Do you have a Nursing Mother's Association in USA as they might be able to suggest something for you? If you don't check out

    Some of the info may be helpful.

    Good Luck!

  6. I went through the exact same issue and talked with my doc and nurses, as well as a lactation consultant.  They all advised that pumping twice in a 7 hour period would be enough.  They recommended:

    -having fenugreek tea

    -getting an automatic pump (the hand ones take forever and don't work too well)

    -there is also a pill that the doc can prescribe that increases milk production but I can't seem to remember the name.

    Good luck!

  7. I dont know if there are laws but you should talk to your boss and explain your situation and determine a good time when you can slip away from your class to pump in the staff washroom. Hopefully your boss will be understanding and s/he or another teacher could sit in on your students for a few minutes each day.  

  8. I don't know about in Alabama but here in Oregon we are legally allowed a non paid 30 minute break and two 10 paid breaks. Now I am not a teacher, but when I went to school the teachers had a free period. I would look into your local laws. But by my states laws they have to provide you with a private area to pump and then are required to provide that time for breaks. The 30 is mandatory and the two 10s are optional.

    So most defiantly look into it because you are entitled to it.
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