
Punching Power?

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Is punching power something that can be trained or does much of it come down to genetics?

As a 300 pound man, who benches 400LBS, I am very disappointed in my "strait"....It has no power.

My hooks are freaking LETHAL!!! I've sent a many of men to the ground with the Right Hook. But that still doesn't make feel any better about my pathetic Strait.

The guy that trains with me says "sometimes you can only do so much". In other words, it eventually comes down to genetics. Some people just know how to throw a wicked Strait and some don't.

What are some techniques I can try to increase the power?




  1. First thing if you weigh 300lbs if you hit someone there going down. Weight training has nothing to do with punching power the hardest punchers of all time did not use weight because they felt that weights were restrictive. HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO THAT WILL GIVE YOU MORE POWER IN STANLY WHEN YOU THROW YOUR STRAIGHT RIGHT OR LEFT ROLL YOUR SHOULDER WITH THE PUNCH THIS WILL HELP YOU LET US KNOW HOW IT TURNS OUT

  2. you need to go to a boxing gym and work with a good trainer who can teach you proper technique. also maybe your hooks are just your better punches. but remember it won't be hooks that will win you fights it'll be good straight punches so start working on those asap.

  3. it can be trianed. you have to turn your waist as you punch,it may seem strange when you start but the more you practice the better you'll get.

  4. I am thinking that maybe you are too musclebound, if you are pressing that much weight you might well be. I presume you know the basics behind throwing these kind of shots and as the answerer above has said a lot of the power for any punch comes from your legs, your hips and shoulders but for throwing straight punches you also need the ability to fully extend your arm at the point of impact to maximise the power. For a big guy like yourself hooks will be easier as you may notice most the best hookers in the boxing game are the more muscular guys or top heavy guys such as Frazier, Tyson, Lacy and many more it may well be down to a centre of gravity thing. With straight punches you really have to commit to the shot and being top heavy wont help as you will effectively be off balance all of the time. If i was you i would stick to getting in close and using your hooks you will be more effective that way. If you are determined to improve your straight shots then i would get on the heavy bag and practise single shots like h**l but be sure you dont over extend (reach for the shot) as you will hurt yourself. Good luck.

  5. Genetics can be problematic...but you can train to increase your punching power.  The problem is that when you get to be your size you often lose alot of the quickness and snap to your punches.  Pure power and force are not usually an issue at that size.  You can throw a lethal hook because a hook is often a rather long punch to begin with.  Hooks are often more of a slapping motion to the body or side of the head so your blunt force from weighing 300lbs will make a hook effective to a certain extent.  When you throw straights you need that quick snap to get force behind it.  Try doing chest pressing excersises with lower weights that you can explode to the top.  Explode the weight up and bring it down at about half speed.  You need the fast twitch muscle fibers to be worked.  I guarantee you'll see a difference if you do this.  Also make sure that you are throwing your straight rights and lefts from an optimal distance.  If you get smothered or brought in too close you will lack power on straight because your impact point will be with your arm still bent.  You want to keep that impact point right at the end of your fist to really use all of your power.

    Just needed to comment that I dont understand why the gentlemen above me needed to point out that he thinks he can take you in a fight and post his record.  Not sure how either of those help the question that was asked.  Sounds like someone is searching for compliments.

  6. Punching power is not really tied to bench press.  Punching power comes more from leverage and acceleration of the punch.  I could probably hit harder when I was late teens and did amatuer boxing and could probably bench in the 200's.  Now that I'm older and have benched close to 400 I would say I have lost power.  I just don't have the speed I use to.  In late teens I could really crack and did have 1 punch power.  I probably still have 1 punch power but not to the same extent.

    As far as your hook working better, it is probably because you are getting your weight into it.  To bench that much you have to have mass and mass in itself makes punches heavier.  Heavy punches are good as well.  Maybe just start try working on being a pressure fighter that wears people out with heavy punches rather than one punch.  Look at Chavez his straight punches were not great but he could wear down the best of fighters with hooks and body work,

  7. its all in the hips and legs not your mike tyson,rocky marciano,,joe frazier ,or ernie shavers.they crouch down a little and then they lift with there legs and swing with there hips not there arms.i was lightheavyweight boxer.i have good technique and understand no disrespect i think i could take you.i'm a trained fighter and my normal weight is around 195lbs. yes i'm lighter but i know one thing you can't pick me up in a boxing match.i'm fast and i hit record 19-2-0 16 ko's retired do to bad car crash
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