
Punching harder???

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some kids are trying to start **** with me at school. now i know fighting isnt the answer but if they hit me and i run away, that will make me look like a major puss. and these kids arent the type where you can just negotiate with either. so i wanna know how can i make my hits harder, and more effective. i know its in the hips and stuff but i have no experience and i dont get that whole, hip pivoting thing either, and i dont have a heavy bag or have a place where i can go. i just wanna know how i can hit harder and faster. if you know any vids or websites you can link me to thats great also, but if you know yourself than answer to.




  1. It takes time and discipline to do!

  2. punch/kick them in the solar plexis. Its like the upper stomach, like where you're ribs make a "triangle". It hurts alot when you strike there.

  3. There's really no "trick" to punching harder.  Hard hitters hit hard because they spend years practicing their technique, not to mention spend countless hours improving their strength.  If you're looking for some sort of quick gimmick for a knockout punch, you're more than likely not going to find it.

    But that doesn't necessarily help you, does it?  So while I can't promise you'll knock your bully out, here's your best bet for defending yourself.  First of all, if you haven't started practicing already, now's the time to start.  Go find a big mirror in your house and do the following.  

    First, face the mirror standing with your feet shoulder width part.  If you're right handed, drop your right leg back again about shoulder width apart.  When you do this, do so in a way that if you were standing on train tracks, both feet would still be on the rails.  Next, ball your fists and bring them up to your chin, keeping your elbows in.  Your arms should now be protecting your chin and ribs.  

    Now you're going to punch.  Punching with the lead (or front) hand is a jab, with the rear is a cross.  Punch with one hand at a time.  The hand that's not punching should be protecting your chin/face/ribs.  The shoulder of the hand that's punching should be brought up AS YOU PUNCH to protect your chin.  Punch STRAIGHT.  While hooking punches are effective, without proper training, you're not going to know how to use them.  When you throw a cross, allow your hip to turn (or pivot) as you fully extend your reach on that punch.  This is what you've heard about in getting more power in your punches and will allow you to get more power out of your dominant hand.  While there are ways to put your hips into every punch you throw, it'll take me all day to explain it.  If you insist on learning, get to a boxing gym.

    While punching, make sure your fists are clenched tightly to avoid breaking your hands.  Aim for that nose if you can--the second he sees blood he'll more than likely back away.  If you can't get to his nose, just unload on his chest, abdomen, whatever.  Cover as much as your head as you can and just swing for the fences.  Utilize "PUNCHES IN BUNCHES".  Keep punching for as long as there's a target.  The guy's more than likely going to swing with wild hooks, so stay close to him and "inside" those punchs so you don't get hit.  Rush this guy and don't give him a chance to hit you.

    I hope this helps, but as expected, I must say this.. It's better to look like a "puss" than to get your face pounded.  If you can, get some help.  Tell whatever authority figure you can about your problem and request that they deal with it as discretely as possible.  If someone approaches you about "ratting out" the bully, deny it completely and blame it on a good Samaritan who might have witnessed past occurrences.  If that's still not an option, hang around friends more and utilize the strength in your numbers.  Bully's more likely to pick on 1 guy than 6.  Also, I promise you, there's no way you're going to turn into an expert fighter on your own.  It takes experience and strength.  If you want to learn to defend yourself, hit a boxing gym or martial arts studio.  Sorry for the essay, and again, good luck.

  4. yeah i found that if you just give in an say fck it im not gonna be a ***** your setting youself up for great things.

    i have a wide body so if i punch from an angle i get great leveredge. plus i have wicked strong arms and legs, and just about everything else so it helps. but i attribute my being able to knock people out or partially blind them from my wide stance.

    yeah one time in santa monica this man tried attacking me because i threw a news paper at him because he was a ****. and he walked into my right hook. for three weeks he was rocking sun glasses and people were coming after me because i had partially blinded him. man i hit that ****** so hard. and im not that heavy either only about 185. but i hit harder than anyone i know.

    and btw a lot of attributes contribute to being able to throw hard shots. its not just hips. i know i don't have the strongest hips but i've got everything else. thats why i say its not all in the hips. because if i did have the hip strength i'd be incredibly strong. but long arms a wide stance strong feet legs and everything else all contribute.

    sources.. seeing people laying on the ground in front of me shaking.

    more sources.. 3 ' x 3' pools of blood left behind from a hole in some smart asses head.

    more sources.. friends telling me the guy i knocked out  was laying on the ground for 5 minutes wondering what happened.

    more sources..punching through a pieces of laminated wood they use on construction sites to direct pedestrians. 3/4'' thick wood.

    more sources..people in jail telling me im the toughest white guy they know.

    more sources..i don't have anymore

  5. Well some people would believe that making your strikes harder is by adding more power into it but it's not. What makes a strike harder is by adding more speed. Those who rely only on power have poor balance and are reckless. The reason why speed overcomes power is because when your throwing a punch with power, its hard to control it. Even if they land a powerful blow on you they wont be able to pull it back to initiate another attack. Speed is quicker, weightless, controlable, and penetrates more. When you punch its has to be fast but also some-what strong cause without strength how can it be strong. When you punch, you have to quickly pull your punch back when you meet contact to initiate another attack. Well hoped that helped you.

  6. These are pretty much the best things you can do if you cannot attend a gym or a MMA or Martial Arts academy:

    -Do push-ups to increase your strength.

    -Watch boxing & streetfighting tips & videos on YouTube and practice shadow boxing.

    -Always watch your back and be aware of your surroundings.

    Stay safe bro.


  7. it will take more than a few words on the internet, you need someone to correct you even if you were doing the wrong thing and looking at illustrations rather than having a teacher.

    if using that is wrong- then asking here is triply wrong and you are going to s***w up.

    just take some freaking lessons.

    since you asked for "punching power" just find a boxing gym and train there in some classes. learn. then apply.

  8. Lay on your back and get some weights in your hands and just extend your arms as if you are doing a pushup. it's the same movement as if you were punching, but you're on your back. Once you're in the fight you need quick punches, and always stay out of range of his punches, if you're smaller, move in his range and then move out.

    Stay safe

  9. Sorry you are having trouble. Problem is that you are sort of trying to lock the gate after the horse has already escaped. There is no way that you are going to get a quick fix for this problem. If you must deal with this guy/s, then you need to get proper training, not a bunch of suggestions that will just make things worse.  I've been there, done that, know better now.

    Edit: as I suspected you have a number of answers offering suggestions that either are not going to help or are things that you need an instructor and a lot of time to learn to do.  Seems Bluto and I are the only ones that see the situation for what it is .....

  10. here we go...make contact only with the knuckles of the index and middle fingers you will have to manuver your fist to get it square...rotate the wrist to where your fist is about a fortyfive degree angle it should also feel more natural then making it parallel with the ground focus less on rotating your hips and more on getting behind your strike if you do this your hips should automatically start to pivot

  11. Use your entire body to punch. Twist your hips and your wrist while you punch and maybe try stepping in a little bit to create a powerful punch.

  12. twist your wrist/or your whole arm its that simple. they say that  fells like a bowling bowl dropping from a 2 story building i watched fight science on national geographic
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