
Punctuation issues.........?

by  |  earlier

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So this female at my work sends emails and every single sentence ends in an exclamation point. Do I say something or just roll my eyes?




  1. Don't say anything.  Just grin and bear it.

  2. Is everything she is saying that exciting?


  3. Do it back!  Maybe if she sees how annoying it is, she'll get the hint!  Ew.  I've annoyed myself!

  4. if it annoys you enough to say something, then by all means say something.  but do it privately and in a nice way so she doesn't feel like she's being attached.  otherwise, just continue to roll your eyes and hope someone else does it.

  5. Just ignore it. If by chance she says that you didn't react a particular way to something she emailed (like you needed to take care of it STAT!) just let her know that you could not tell the difference because all of her emails end in exclamations and it seemed normal to you. Then drop it.

  6. Strictly speaking, you should only use the exclamation mark when you want to exclaim; it shouldn't be used for proclamations, or clauses!

    Don't correct her: exclamation marks are her way of being friendly.

  7. I love those.  And also I love eye rolling.  That is vvvvvv funny.  I have one made of a marble as well.

  8. ROLL YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or you could SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!

    So whats the problem???!!!!!! Don't open the emails!!! You have issues!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Just roll your eyes!  It's not your responsibility to correct her punctuation!    teehee!!

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