
Punishing kids for low grades

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Why do so many people punish kids for bad grades? I mean, I can understand it if the kid is intentionally slacking off and not doing their work. But I have some friends whose parents have a standard rule that anything below a B automatically means they get grounded. But sometimes they just have trouble in certain classes! For example, I really struggled in geometry last year and got a C but my parents didn't punish me because I still tried really hard and did the best I could. I think that by punishing their kids, the parents are just showing their weakness and laziness. Personally I think they punish them because they don't want to have to actually deal with the problem and help their kids like they should. Does anyone else agree?




  1. Kids don't LIKE to do their work. They need to be pushed. If they don't go to college they will spend their days working for 2 or 3 jobs. PUNISHING is good for them. They need disaplend.

  2. I have no clue why maybe they think their child is slacking off from their work, but I don't think all children are slacking off. I think there are a ton of reasons why a child may struggle in one subject and excel in another. I have a hard time with spatial reasoning so if you put me in a geometry I could try my best, but I wouldn't be able to grasp the concepts that well and more then likely you will not see a high grade in that class because it has nothing to do with me slacking off, it's just something that I have trouble with and that's why I didn't have to take it in high school because I have a learning disorder.

    I can understand that parents want their children to succeed and get good grades. I don't agree with grounding for low grades especially if they are trying their best. It's another thing when a child is not doing well because they just don't want to do it. Then there's something else going on and parents are too lazy to understand that their child may have a hard time asking for help if they are struggling with a subject and they just give up on it, they could be depressed, they could be bored with the class because it's easy, etc......There's a lot of things that go on especially during those teenage years. Honestly, it is lazy parenting to just ground them for bad grades.

    If they are having difficulties in a subject then get them help whether it's a tutor or the parents them helpin their child out. Also, if the subject isn't challenging enough maybe looking into putting them into the next class up especially if it's in the beginning of the year. Also, I don't agree with as soon as they get home making them do homework, let them relax for a bit before they have to start it. I also don't think they should be watching tv as well during the school week that can be for the weekends.  

  3. Although the graded work is important I find many answers in the teachers conduct grade. If conduct is not an issue, then it is time for tutors and such.

  4. Punishing for poor grades is the wrong way around, they should be rewarded and encouraged for good grades and doing their best. We can't all be great at everything.

  5. I think we should punish kids for low grades, but only if they are intentionally slacking. If a child is struggling in a certain area, we should help them, not ground them. That only gives them the wrong message.

  6. That Is So True !!! But For Some Parents They Really Don't Have The Time To Help But Still They Should Get Him A Tutor Or Something! All Punishment Does Is Make Them Even More Nervous About Their Next Grade Which Adds A Lot Of Pressure And Gives Them Another Bad Grade.

  7. I agree.  I think if your kid deliberately slacked off and didn't put in any effort and therefore got bad grades, then yes, that deserves a punishment.

    But if my child put in a legitimate effort and still got a bad grade, I wouldn't punish them.  I may look into getting a tutor for them or finding ways to help them raise their grade, but no punishment.  Not everyone will be great at every subject!  I had tutors galore and studied by butt off in all my math classes, and never did better than a C.  It wasn't for lack of effort!

  8. yep i agree! my parents weren't happy when i brought home a couple C's in high school but they never punished me because they knew i tried as hard as i could. i do think punishment is in order if the parents don't think the child is working hard and slacking off (say if they've talked to the teacher about it) but punishing them when they probably already feel like c**p about the grade isn't helping.  

  9. i bought home my report. For Geography, which said "nicky is so bad at geography, i'm surprised she can find her way home at night..

       My dad chased me round the block, screaming threats of all kinds of punishment. Put it this way. I got an A next time ha ha  

  10. Dipline means to teachs.s lexaj . No We can't force kids to go to colage the goal is to make them enjoy learning unishing them for struggeling does not achieve that. Kids like to learn a exel or be punished appreoch will ruin that.

  11. I dont really agree with grounding, I would do mandatory at home studying time, though.

    I think sometimes parents **think** their child is slacking when what they really need is a tutor.  I also think that some kids *say they are trying their best, but they are not.

    I think sometimes its hard to tell the difference, and I think thats where the punishing comes in.  A good grade A student comes home with a B, it must be because they are slacking, because they are capable of As. Parent punishes for slacking off, when in reality, they just dont get it.

  12. I think some parents can be too pushy with their kids.  Not every kid is great in school and it's not the end of the world, they are probably just better at other things.  

    It's not good to push your kids too much, especially when they're a bit older and are facing pressures of exams which is sometimes too much for them and has even resulted in suicides because the kids couldn't take the pressure or couldn't handle feeling like a failure.  

    I get frustrated with my kid because I know he's bright, but he's really lazy and really dislikes school.  I find that praising him helps a lot.  I don't concentrate on the poor work he does, but I give him lots of praise and encouragement when he does well.  

  13. I tend to agree with you. Punishing for bad grades ignores the causes of bad grades. The student can have any number of problems because of it, some of which are psychological issues, while others are physical.

    My son was getting bad grades, and I ended up pulling him out of the public school due to the complete lack of help. All they had for an answer was to medicate him. Within one year I found a noticeable difference in where he takes more enjoyment of his education, speaks up more, has more confidence, and enjoys the freestyle learning he gets now.

  14. Coming from someone that is very well aquainted with this parental concept.

    I will tell you right out front, it doesn't work.

    I would get grounded for a C on my report card. And when I got grounded they ment Grounded. I wasn't even allowed outside. My options were to do homework or sit in my room.

    And its not like this was something that went on for a few weeks, it would go from report card to report card. Thats 9 weeks folks. If the grade had not been brought up, I would be grounded again, the exact same way.

    You know what. I NEVER made good grades, I figured whats the point. It didn't matter if I tried or I didn't try I got the same treatment.

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