
Punishment equals <span title="violence...really.........">violence...really...........</span>

by  |  earlier

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Do you automatically associate the word punishment with violence? If so, why?

I asked a question, check my profile if you wish to see it, about begging, and in it i said "they (my kids) had been punished enough....." regarding my depression. An answerer jumped in and said my kids need to be removed from the violence and DHS should be called on me, wow...conclusion jumping at it's finest.

Maybe I am just a little extra sensitive today, who knows, but punishment does not always connotate violence. Is there anything in the world that bothers you more then people jumping to ridiculous and inventive conclusions?




  1. Some people are just plain stupid. I punish my kids, but I don&#039;t beat them. I answered your other question, and I didn&#039;t get the whole &quot;Ahh! Your husband&#039;s beating your kids, call 911!&quot; vibe. I guess it might have something to do with knowing what depression can do to you and your family. I was at the store once with my son when he was mabe 2 yrs. old at the time, well he discovered how zippers worked, and unzipped a dress I was wearing. I told him, &quot;I&#039;m gonna tan your hide!&quot; and next thing I know this lady screaming for the cops. I wasn&#039;t going to beat him, I was embarrassed, and the cops looked at my son, didn&#039;t see any bruises but I got put on a watch list, all because of that stupid lady.

  2. People do suck! Parents have to punish our kids, its our job. It&#039;s how they learn. I read your last question it didn&#039;t even mention a spanking let alone violence.  

  3. I agree  or when you say you spank your child and someone comes back with something like &quot;I dont use violence to discipline my children&quot;


    Discipline is not abuse

    spanking is not abuse

    punishment is not abuse

    letting your child become the parent because you cant control them is abuse.

    punishment is not violence, or at least should not be.

  4. I read the question.  And without reading the &#039;extra details&#039;, it did sound a little weird to me.  Like &quot;woa ... you &quot;punished them enough&quot;??&#039;.  But, then I read the extra details and understood what you were saying.  

  5. No punishment does not always equal violence nor does discipline mean punishment.  People often use these words interchangably.

    What I find so fascinating by email and/or internet usage is how easily a typewritten answer can be misintrepreted.  I have been guilty of it myself and find it interesting human nature to automatically impose our own imprint of perception onto the written word.  That is why media is so powerful... political rhetoric, etc.  Words are open to judgement.  

    Don&#039;t take it personally.. they don&#039;t even know you.  

  6. Maybe that answerer had only experienced violent punishment? I don&#039;t put the two together automatically. Punishment, when it&#039;s called for, is a good thing. Violence is never a good thing.

  7. No I don&#039;t associate punishment with &quot;violence&#039; ...for me there is more of an association with &quot;disappointment&quot;

    But no it doesn&#039;t particularly bother me when people jump to conclusions...that&#039;s human nature...sadly.  And it&#039;s alot easier to function in a world full of idiots...when you come to the realization that ...THE WORLD IS FULL OF

    The sooner you can come to terms with that...the less they will bother you.

    I know it sounds harsh...but it couldn&#039;t be more true.

    In any case, good luck and congratulations on your successful treatment.  :)

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