Thank you to everyone who answered about my pup in season, the reason we have not yet had her spayed is because we only acquired her in February and did not know if or when her season is/was(previous owners declined to tell us all of info about her),and as we did not know if she had had a season we could not get her spayed(on recommendation by the vet) I am with the dogs 24/7 so am able to keep an eye on them at all times, thanks for telling me the critical time, I have received this morning some Homeopathic remedies'Platinum' for both and 'origanum' for her, it is like having 2 different dogs this morning,he's chilled and she is more relaxed. fingers crossed(not really), I am not foolish enough to believe these methods will work,the boy is with 'me' at all times and she is with my husband so we both have continual access to them both, I will not allow my animals to breed as I do not believe in it and yes there are far to many dogs and cats in this country, I have been involved in bird rescue and all my dogs are rescues so we are very much with everyone on that. have been offered an injection by vet for the boy which cuts out his mating instinct for a while, but do not really want to have him done as he is 6 and a lovely little chap. Regards Pat.w