
Puppet show in Italian?

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I have to perform a puppert show for Italian! And i don't have any ideas on what to do but i can speak great italian i just need a story line? any help




  1. I'm Italian and Italians people likes anything would be amazing and especially when you enjoy them! I can recommend something about a Giulietta and Romeo's parody...

    If it's for baby make a Cinderella parody, they enjoy too much, it's sure.

    Now I write down you something:

    C'era una volta una bambina di nome Cenerentola che abitava in un castello con il padre, la matrigna e le due sorellastre. Ma il padre un giorno morì e la matrigna si impossessò di tutte le sue ricchezze.

    etc etc... then you make redicolous everything and you'll get a great success!!!

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