
Puppets on a string-Time to cut the cord?

by  |  earlier

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Puppet Show

Lost in the charade

Animated in his grasp

Negate this control

Or collect in the puppetry




  1. Pretentious p*sh. My pet hamster writes better poems. And he's been dead for 40 years. You have been 'Ianoed'...loser.

    I thought your 'poetry' WAS a fungal infection. And Iano isn't stupid if it happens to be my name. This from 'DragonLady'?

    Sure hope you don't live up to your name in the flesh. (Scales?)

    Oh dear, there's old 'hydrop*sher getting his 2 cents in again.

    Go and get a wash, you dosser.

    The 2nd one isn't any better, despite being graced with my name. Keep trying.

    You'd love to pick my brain? You couldn't pick a better one...but it would be nice if you could get one of your own.

    Sorry, Bob, but, as far as poetry ain't got no style.

    About half as much thought as you took to say it in the first place...2 seconds.

    Actually, Rachael is a nice name, but as you asked, let's have a bit of fun. Give me 2 minutes or so.

    R is for rubbish, and that's just to start,

    A is for aching, deep down in your heart.

    C is for crying, and that's what you do,

    H is for hellish, your poems and you.

    A is for awful, your writing is 'mince',

    E is for 'egad' - it sure makes me wince.

    L is for laughter, just what you evince.

    Bob M, that is seriously pervy. Do the wardens know you're loose?

  2. Ok I get it now! Excellent; piece of work. You are in the major league. I am still in the minors. Thanks for the insight.

  3. its beautiful dunno wot the guy above is saying!

  4. Taking up the challenge! (wink)

    I watched her walk into the room,

    shaking her *** like she owned the place.

    And the men, well they all saw her...

    for every eye was upon her. As she

    moved slowly cross the floor there

    were whispers at every table... where

    there was La-no  you could see

    the envy curled up inside his snide

    remarks... and at the tables where

    there were men... well they were all

    wondering if they'd be the one she

    might give a little time tonight. She

    said hi to all with a voice that

    crawls up inside you and puts erotic

    desires crawling in your pants

    and breathing all over you. I never

    once thought of her a princess,

    but she sure had a way with words.  

    To me... being Rachael was special


    .... I wanted to do the "Knight in Shining Armor" thing.

    but that's just not my style.

  5. Squirrel caged


    At empty page


    Not with him

    At the end of the string

    A thing  Dancing at the actions

    Of others

    Sometimes things just hit home even when we aren't aiming..

    Thanks DL

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