
Puppy alone during day?

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We got a 6 week old puppy this weekend. My fiance will be off this week to be with the puppy and help it adjust, but after that he starts a new job so the puppy will have to left in a crate from 8-5. I will be coming home for an hour long lunch from 12-1 to let him out and check on him.

I know he is young, but will he make it through these first few weeks? I am leaving half the cage with a blanket, and half with a pee paid as I know he won't be able to hold it until I make it home unless he sleeps the whole time. Also we have a grown dog that is left out and will be around the same room with him... maybe this will help him not be so lonely?

Any advice?




  1. NO.

    Regardless if the pup is potty trained or not, you should not leave the dog in a crate for that long.

    Why are you guys getting dogs if you will be gone all the time only to lock the dogs up?

    It is NOT fair to the dog to be locked up all day.Imagine being locked up in your bathroom all day...not cool.

    The pup also will not be able to hold his bowel or bladder for that long..even if he sleeps.

    I suggest locking your pup  in the bathroom so he can stretch his legs and not sleep in his own urine or f***s if he needs to go.

    Potty train ASAP so he doesn't get confused about the pee pad.

  2. if you have thought about this ahead of time,you wouldn't have gotten a 6 week old puppy.That is a very young age for him to adjust AND be left home alone in a matter of should have gotten an older dog because they wont need petsitting each second of the day.

  3. I have a 6 week old, and a 4 year old and when we're out we put them together. With toys, water, treats etc.

    So put your pup and the dog together, and they'll be fine.

    Though my dog does get sick of the puppy after awhile. But you don't say how old your grown dog is, so maybe he/she won't ;)

  4. We were able to block off the kitchen with plywood which we could easily step over, although we did baby proof the cabinets with locks and picked up all of the chemical off of the lower cabinets just in case.This is just going to require alot of patience and attention because pups really are not going to potty train until they are 12-14 weeks old, so be prepared for any space to be a mess.  Don't get discouraged because with a few weeks of really hard work and certain sacrifices you will have great dog!

  5. It would be better to make a long-term confinement area so that the puppy has more room and because you don't want him to go in his crate, pee-pad or not.  It will only make things harder in the long-term.

    A long-term confinement area has an area where the puppy can go to the bathroom without getting in trouble, shelter/bed/crate, water, and some toys.  With the other dog around, it would probably be a good idea if they could hang out together since that will be more fun for both of them.  

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