
Puppy ate some aluminum foil?

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So our puppy got into the trash can while I was in the shower and ate some aluminum foil. Will it affect her and what may happen? What can I do? She seems ok, a little whiney, and poppin' a little more than usual. I wasn't able to get her into the vet until later this afternoon and am worrying about it, so I thought I'd ask.




  1. Just keep an eye on her! She should be fine. When she goes potty or poopy look for blood and keep an eye on her! I hope everythings ok! I am glad your taking her to the vet!  

  2. Fortunately, Aluminum is digestible.

    A friend thought her husband hadn't fed the dog, as there was no bowl in her run.  She fed the dog again (even though her husband insisted that he'd fed her).  When she went to get the bowl out of the run to wash it, there was no bowl to be found.

    She contacted the breeder that she had acquired the dog from (it was a mature dog when my friend got her), and found out that the dog had a history of eating aluminum bowls.  

    Neither the breeder or my friend had any problems.

    The dog was fed from a crock after that, and my friend didn't have any more bowls disappear!

    ADD: Another  friend of mine had her dog eat 4 inch screws -6 of them, and this worked for her:

    1 lb Hamburger, boiled and drained (gets the fat out).  

    1 lb of Rice (Cooked)

    1 lb of Sauerkraut (Rinsed).

    Mix it all together, and feed the dog 1 cup every 1-2 hours.  The hamburger is to make it flavorful, the rice bulks it up, and the sauerkraut tangles up the dietary indiscretion (called PICA), and allows it to pass.

  3. could be dangerous, but it could not as well.aluminum if chewed wright can  shrink to a really small size so i thing the pup wont feel it comin out at all

  4. I think she would be fine. When she goes potty or poops somewhere look for blood and keep an eye on her!

  5. she should be just fine... just watch her throughout the day..... dog's has ate worse.... dont worry..... she should be ok....

  6. Unless she ate a huge amount, she ought to just pass the aluminum foil along with her normal poops.  Good idea to take her to the vet, though.  

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