
Puppy biting / chewing?

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I have a West Highland White Terrior and I got it yesterday and it is only 9 weeks old. It's quite well trained all ready, when we got it we were given mats which it goes to the toilet on, and all the times it's gone on the mat except one time when he couldn't find the mat. But we have a rug, and it has tassels on it and the dog can't stop chewing it! What should I do to stop it doing it? We shout NO at it and it just carries on so we push its head away a bit and tries to bite us, but never actually gets us, then carrys on doing it. What should I do to stop it doing that?

And how do we stop it biting too?




  1. The puppy needs something to chew. You have to substitute the behavior with something that is desirable for you to have it chew up. Like a chew toy or (when it is older a bone) Make sure to get a toy that is for puppy's. I got mine a puppy kong and various other toys.

    Next time you see it chewing on the tassels of the rug entice the pup with one of it's toys and play with it until it begins to take the toy and chew it. Yelling no doesn't necessarily work. Pushing on his nose is more like playing with him. Just play with the toy putting it towards his mouth and he will Begin to understand what to chew and what not to.

    As for biting: This is kind of a weird one but it works very well. You must let it know you are the alpha dog and tell it "no" in dog. Every time he bites, put your hand on hits throat (Make your hand look like a C)and make it lie down until it is calm. This stimulates the bite of an Alpha dog. This should not be done, to a point of where the dog can not breathe and, should be done gentle as possible. The 1st time our dog bit, we did this and he has not since. His sister (different owner) has had a problem with this and she did not receive this simple correction early on.

    With plenty of walks and lots of practice you'll get it.

    enjoy your new dog.

  2. put a smell under it that the dog doesn't like and then give it a different chew toy and make it smell like a smell that the dog likes

    good luck (i have a dog 2)

  3. baby dogs do this and baby people do this, teething- get plenty of chew toys that hasve the smell dogs love.

  4. my dog eat everything in the house but she does not do this now best to get some bones from the butchers keep them amused for hours and the dog will grow out of it.

  5. Puppies chew!  a puppy will chew a lot to begin with especially when they begin to loose their teeth.  Buy lots of chews and toys for him to play with.

    When he is chewing something you don't want him to call him away with either a toy or chew and praise him when he comes - he will soon get the message.

  6. Mouthing and biting are natural, normal behaviors; all puppies do it. During teething (generally starting around four months), the urge to mouth is extra powerful because it feels good on your pups' tender gums. Lacking opposable thumbs, puppies also use their mouths to catch, carry, and play, making it all the more crucial that they learn how to control themselves in the presence of human skin.

    Here's how to stop your dog from biting

    Here's for chewing

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