
Puppy perceiving potty training wrong?

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I have a 3 month old male puppy who has the opposite problem with potty training. The problem is that he will NEVER EVER have an accident when he's alone everyday for 8 hours while I'm at work, but he will pee on the floor when I'm home, right in front of my face. So why won't he have accidents when he's alone for long periods of time, but when I'm home taking him out often he will pee? One moment he's relaxing and l*****g himself and the next he's peeing. No matter what I do I can't train him to cry at the door when he has to go. But he does cry at my bedroom door early in the morning, but I can't tell if it's because he's hungry or if he has to go. He also never has accidents when I'm sleeping at night. His behavior seems backwards and I just don't understand. I feed him on a schedule and take him out after every meal, when I get home from work, first thing in the morning, before I go to bed, and take him to the park a couple of times a week. Why can he hold it in for 8 hours but not 30 minutes?? Help!




  1. A puppy is more inclined to have an accident when he is relaxed.l*****g also stimulates the bladder, Mommy dogs do this to get the pups to go potty. The muscles just let go and , he pees. Take him out as soon as you get home and don't come back in until he does his business. Praise him for going potty in the right place. As far as telling you he has to go potty, he crying in the morning. Just get up , take him outside and keep telling him-"Go potty" over and over. He will get the idea that outside time is for potty, if you do not play with him until he does his business. Praise, praise,praise . Patience, this does take time. 3 months is very young to be reliably house broken.

  2. Dogs work in wierd ways. I think he is doing it in front of you to tell you he is mad that you leave him for 8 hrs. What type of breed is it? As far as correcting his behavior I think byou have to look more into the breed.

  3. Teach him to hit a bell with his paw when he has to go outside. I have trained all of my dogs like this and it is very easy and successful. Just ring the bell with there paw and let them out. And, after while they will make the connection, if they want to go outside, they have to ring the bell. It's a wonderful thing for you and your dog.  

  4. could be marking have him fixed when he comes of age. could be a uti have his urine checked.

  5. he might actually be begging for your attention.  You talk to him and pay attention to him if he goes potty on the floor.

    If it's happening after play times or long walks your dog has what mine is which are poorly developed sphincter muscles.  Basically when the dog is extremely tired ALL muscles relax.

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