
Puppy "Cat" 2yrs old has bladder control issue?? Please help!!!?

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We have an amazing cat! We adopted her from the SPCA about 2 years ago. We got the best of both worlds.....She's a cat who thinks she's a dog!!!!! She sits, speaks, barks (ok, her meow sound like a bark) gives you her paw. She'll even roll over when asked.

We have had no problems at all with her. She never scratches, hisses just an all around Cool Cat.

All of the sudden she has started to urinate on random spots through out our home. We have an outside cat and thought this might have something to do with it. The outside cat was our first so the know each other. That ruled out that theory. We our at a total loss. She shows know signs of illness. We have made no changes to her food, litter or habits. Any ideas or suggestions would be great,




  1. First thing would be to have the vet check her for a urinary tract infection.  You might have to leave her for a bit to get a urine sample from her, they don't like to pee in a cup.  If that's negative, it might be the outdoor cat or another stray upsetting her, and there's behavior therapy and some anti-anxiety meds you can use if that's the case.  Sudden changes in urinary behavior are often UTI's.

  2. Cat pee issues can often be a bladder infection or other sickness, even if your cat doesn't 'seem' sick. This can be very, very painful and embarassing for your cat, so you should take it to a decent vet ASAP and get her checked out. Don't wait till she pees blood. Go now.

  3. One of my cats, who is 12, is also having the same problem, so the vet gave me a pill called Dasequin, a tuna/chicken sprinkle, that you put on to a bit of wet food or with dry food and a very small amount of water to dissolve it. it is meant to help with joint function, like the human version of glucosamine chondrointin, but also helps strengthen the lining of the bladder, so you have less "accidents". but definetly ask your vet about this and see if this is something that your "puppy" might need, although, she is very young for this type of problem. but like i said, talk to your vet about this if it is truly something that is concerning you.

  4. Cats are very good at hiding there illness, they are experts. Sometimes they have urine tract infection which can cause sudden odd behaviour.Only way to identify what wrong with your Puss, is to take her to the vet


    Symptoms - Signs of a cat urinary tract infection include but are not limited to; urinating outside of the box, urinating in sinks or bathtubs, crying in the litter box, frequent urination in tiny amounts, straining to urinate (may be confused with constipation), bloody urine, and some cats will l**k themselves. If your cat is straining without producing urine your cat could be blocked, this is a medical emergency and without prompt veterinary care your cat will die from a build up of toxins

  5. Something like that has happened to one of my cats. She may have a bladder infection. Make sure to check the urine for blood. This is REALLY important. It may also be a territorial problem. She might be trying to claim her territory. Just make sure to keep a close eye on her. I wish you the best of luck.

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