
Puppy really fat!!!?

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y is my puppy really fat she has a really small head and a big bottom half she hasbeen wormed every 2 weeks with panacur! when we got her the woman said she ate a whole can of dog food which i think is loads as she is only 6 weeks old! my 6 yr old male dont even have that much in a day? is she just overwieght how can she lose it quick cse she looks really cute but then she turns round she looks really fat





  1. cut down the food!! dogs in the wild dont even get to eat everyday! That's not to say that you shouldnt feed her on some days, just feed her smaller portions and exercise her more and i'll guarentee that she'll lose weight quickly.

    Dont give her so many treats aswell!! Limit her food treats and give her treats as praise or toys when necessary

  2. Cut her food back & give her rice/pasta (cooked) mixed in with her food

  3. I have heard if your dog is too fat you are not getting enough exercise.

  4. I would be worried it was a medical condition. She may be eating more wet food b/c it tastes better or is easier for her to eat. Also some dogs will eat as long as there is food available even to the point where they vomit because they've eaten too much. I'd say take her to the vet.

  5. At 6 weeks, she should still be with her mother!!!

    You do not say what breed she is, so, a full can of dog food may well be far too much for her.  The manufacturers should have a feeding guide on the side of the tin.  Try feeding her real meat from the butcher, or the supermarket and cut off any visible fat (although dogs DO need some fat in their diet), along with vegetables (some dogs like veg, mine will only eat cooked carrot), you can make it more filling for her by mixing in a teaspoon of unprocessed bran.  If you start her off eating veg whilst she is still young, she will just automatically eat them.

    Puppies use up a lot of energy just growing, but, if you spend time playing with her, it will help to make her strong and burn off the fat.  When she gets older, and the vet says it is OK, join a puppy preschool, where she can run and play with other young pups like herself.  She will get more exercise that way than you can give her.

    Sorry there is no magic formula to get her to lose weight (rather like us, unfortunately) , but starving her and forcing her to exercise would NOT  be healthy for her, and could ruin her future health.

    You have to hang in there and work on it in small increments, she will, soon enough grow into the svelte dog that you desire.

    Maybe check with your vet, too, young puppies do tend to look like little round butterballs, and I guess my advice is not suitable for such a YOUNG  puppy..

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