
Purchasing previously snapped boards?

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i am thinking f buying a rusty 5'9" short board that has been previously has been repaired,but are these boards actually as dependable as new?




  1. man, i really dont recommend buying a board like this, specially if itss a short board.

    in the case o guns it migth be ok, cause you gonna be surf powerfull waves and if the board is a bit heavier - no worries!

    get yourself a new one!!

  2. Of course not. The broken board will never be as strong as a new board. If it's 20 bucks, buy it. If not, find another stick.

  3. The board will never ride the same again.  Maybe if the break was closer to the nose where most surfers don't use, unless you're doing airs that require the nose to dig into the water, it might be okay.  

    But then again, if it board has been broken anywhere, such as the tail or the middle, you're more likely to re-snap it and even hurt yourself getting fiberglass other parts cutting your feet, legs, etc.

    If the board is under $70, and you're not gonna be upset if you re-break it, then go for it.  It might be a good board to mess around on... just be careful you don't hurt yourself.

    If not, don't bother and keep looking for a board in a much better condition.

  4. dont get it the thing has broken before its not gonna get any stronger

  5. If someone broke it before, its even more liable to break again.  There are plenty of good used boards out there at a cheap price.  As for Rusty boards, they are top notch.  Rusty was shaper of the year for 2007.

  6. Don't buy it unless it is under $20.00

    For additional surfing information check out my website:

  7. what ever you do dont get it if it broke once that means it is extremely likely that it will break again. you dont want to pay a lot of money to have a broken board save up for a new one

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