
Pure Monarch Deck?

by  |  earlier

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Can somebody give me a Pure Monarch Deck. That means i want all 7 monarchs to be included. Basically I just need to know what kinds of spells, traps and monsters to put in my Monarch Deck other than the 7 monarchs




  1. i will say ruun my monarchd eck i shall post it now

    Monsters : 23

    3 Caius - - -

    2 Thestalos - -

    1 Raiza -

    1 Mobius -

    2 Cyber Drgaon

    1 D.D. Warrior Lady

    2 Dekoichi

    2 Legendarry Jujitsu Master

    3 Gravekepper's Spy

    1 Gravekepper's Guard

    1 Sangan

    1 Spirit Reaper

    1 Marshmallon

    1 D.D. Crow

    1 Treeborn Frog

    Spells : 11

    3 Soul Exchange

    2 Allure Of Darkness

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Premature Burial

    1 Brain Control

    1 Pot Of Avarice

    Traps : 8

    3 Solemn Judgment

    2 Bottomless Trap Hole

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Trap Dustshoot

    Side Deck : 15

    3 Vanity's Fiends

    3 Kinetic Soilder

    2 Peguin Soilder

    2 Book Of Moon

    3 Royal Oppression

    2 Pulling The Rug

  2. 7 monarchs the gadgets 3 banisher of radiance 3 cyrstal seer 1 treeborn frog 1 d.d.crow 3 blue thunder 1 sangan 2 cyber dragon 1 snipe hunter 1 marshmallion 1 spirit reaper 1 morphing jar spells 1 hammer shot 1 soul release 3 shrink 2 lightning vortex 3 dimensiona fissure 1 book of moon 1 mst 1 heavy storm 1 scape goat traps 3 macrow 1 mirror force 2 threatning roar p.s get about 2 of each monarch p.s.s this deck won 23 local tounaments

  3. Monsters (20)

    7 monarchs

    3 banisher of radiance

    3 dd survivor

    2 dd scout plane

    3 hydrogedon

    spirit reaper

    dd warrior lady


    3dimensional fissure

    brain control

    heavy storm

    mystical space typhoon

    2soul exchange

    2 reinforcement of the army

    2 foolish burial

    lightnig vortex

    Traps (7)

    3 trap hole

    3 bottomless trap hole

    torrential tribe

    you can use dd survivor, dd scout plane in combo wit either banisher of radiance or dimensional fissure in order to special summon them over n over again in order to sac them for ur monarchs u use them like many players use to use the tree born frog in older versions of monarch decks unlike the tree born frog dd survivor, dd scout plane can be special summoned wit traps on the field and there attack is higher

  4. Monsters:

    7 monarchs

    3 nimble momonga

    2 spell striker

    cyber dragon


    treeborn frog

    exiled force

    samasara kaiser

    dd warrior lady

    dd assailent


        *  Monster Reborn

        * Heavy Storm

        * Mystical Space Typhoon

        * Enemy Controller

        * Lightning Vortex

        * Soul Exchange

        * Brain Control

        * Smashing Ground

        * Stray Lambs

        * Book of Moon

        * Fiend's Sanctuary

        * Instant Fusion


        *  By Order of the Emperor

        * Bottomless Trap Hole

        * Royal Decree

        * Trap Dustshoot

        * Torrential Tribute

        * Ultimate Offering

        * Sakuretsu Armor

        * Metal Reflect Slime

    Just a basic outline of some needed cards
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