
Purification? Other life, gov't conspiracy question?

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I asked a question on here a few days ago about a dream I had. One answerer told me about an eerily similar dream she had about a "purification"

Im wondering who believes there is a chance we are in the middle of a "purification".... or some kind of "ethnic cleansing"... our gov't in th US is giving vaccines that cause illnesses & break our bodies down. Our gov't is not supporting natural births, and leaving women no option but to put their children on formula milks (no natural immunitites from breastmilk, also food in cans is incredibly vulnerable to contamination). We are using "anti" bacterial products on everything and there is an increasing number of resistant bacteria, diseases, fungus, virus, plants, etc. The meat/dairy/egg industry is filling animals full of hormone/anti biotics and those travel to the consumer. The military is under scrutiny for vaccine deaths/reactions...

Why are people so hesitant to believe something is going on here?? What could be going on?




  1. Yeah, you are right. It's all about 'controlling the masses' - for individuals to think how the government wants us to think. No promotion for individualism (why are Class A drugs illegal? Is it because it breaks us out of the conditioning?).

    It's like saying - what's the difference between what Hitler had done during WWII and the U.S. Government? The Germans were brainwashed by him, believing the 'camps' located in their backyard was to store people - not gas them and pull out their hair, nails, teeth, etc. to make items from. Americans are becoming desensitised by the media - innocent people being killed in Iraq just so the U.S. can buy the oil cheap? How about Vietnam/Serbia/etc...come to think of it, they are way worse than Hitler EVER was.    

    The dream you had (from the link), do you 'feel' that it has made you more aware of our world? Do you 'feel' the truth; is that why you are questioning these aspects in your society? Personally, I don't remember if I had any dreams about aliens, but I do at times receive visions/messages from them and they speak about my growth, as though they are helping me to ascend spiritually. There are more than one species of aliens; those that want to help the masses, and those that are helping the U.S. government control the masses (there is a lot of events occurring in our universe which us mere mortals have no idea about).

  2. in the late 1950s and early 1960s the government did do biological testing on the American populace. they flew over cities like SAN Fransisco spraying flu bugs and such to see how effective this way of spreading germs was and to see what percentage of the populace would become sick.

  3. One of the reasons that the US has the "2nd highest" rate of newborn deaths "in the developed world" is that our medical care for pregnant mothers is much better than in many other countries.  Women who would have had spontaneous abortions give birth to babies that really had no chance of living.  The nutritional guides and supplements for pregnant women in the US gives fetuses in utero a chance to survive longer than they would have.  

    I'd be willing to be that if all doctor recommended abortions and spontaneous abortions along with all live births were totalled for all pregnancies in the industrialized world, the numbers would be remarkably similar for all of them.

    As for government conspiracies, our government is so inept at doing anything on a microscopic level that even attempting to do something such as you propose is completely beyond the capability of the government.  

    Why is it that you think the "government" should support natural births?  Why should the freakin' government be involved in that area of our lives at all?  My wife nursed all five of our kids and we didn't have to shoo away any formula pushing government agents.  The reason that  fewer women in the US breast feed any more has more to do with a society that looks for the easy way to do everything, including feed newborns.  Fifty years ago, no one thought twice about a women nursing in public.  Today, she's treated as a throwback to the dark ages.  Women's lib had a lot more to do with it than government ever did.

    Vaccines have saved tens of millions of lives that would have been lost to diseases that were considered "normal" a century ago.  While some vaccines have reactions that can kill recipients (less than 10 per million), I for one do not want to go back to the days when whooping cough, measles, mumps, polio, tetanus, chicken pox, scarlet fever and dozens of others, killed tens of thousands of people every year.

  4. You worry too much.Since it will do no good anyway I'll just refute one of your points.The Government doesn't stop woman from breast feeding.Good or bad,it's a personal decision.If there's a conspiracy against natural births and breast feeding.I'd blame hospitals and doctors business practices.

  5. Something is definitely going on.  That something is you freaking out over threats that do not exist.

    The US military has conducted several 'unethical' experiments.  However, ethnic cleansing (i.e., genocide) is not among these.

    The US government does not support one type of birth over another, nor synthetic formula over breast milk.  These are simply not government issues.

    Canned food is not incredibly vulnerable.  Bacteria are everywhere, yet only a tiny fraction of food cans are contaminated.

    Drug-resistant bacteria is the only credible threat on your list.  You can help protect your children by allowing them to develop a strong immune system early in life.

  6. " US infant mortality rates the 2nd highest in the world"?

    Where do you get this from?


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