
Puritans in the 1600's?

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Why did the Puritans leave Great Britain to come to America in the 1600's?




  1. A Puritan of 16th and 17th century England was an associate of any number of disparate religious groups advocating for more "purity" of worship and doctrine, as well as personal and group piety. Puritans felt that the English Reformation had not gone far enough, and that the Church of England was tolerant of practices which they associated with the church of Rome. The word "Puritan" was originally an alternate term for "Cathar" and was a pejorative used to characterize them as extremists similar to the Cathari of France. The Puritans sometimes cooperated with presbyterians, who put forth a number of proposals for "further reformation" in order to keep the Church of England more closely in line with the Reformed Churches on the Continent.

  2. The Puritans wanted to "purify" the church of England, hence the name.  They did not think that the Church of England had seperated it's doctrine enough from the catholic faith.  They were Calvinists that came to America to practice their be beliefs and escape religious disgrimination, in hopes of creating a religious utopia.... which they failed

  3. The Puritans felt that the church of England was too Catholic.  They tried to change it but were no capable, therefore, they left to the new world to set up a "new Jerusalem" that would be a "City on the hill" or a model for the rest of the world.  It was supposed to be the perfect Christian society, only it did not end up that way.  Once in America they had to deal with realigious zealots who wanted to hang anyone who sinned, religious leaders who wanted a free society instead of a theocracy, and secular people.  

    For a good summary of this topic check out Edmund Morgan's biography of John Winthrop.

  4. Puritans came to American for religious reasons. They believed the Church of England contained too many Catholic practices. They wanted to worship the way they thought was right. They also wanted to "build a city set upon a hill" for all to see the proper way to worship. They wanted to "purify" the Church of England not separate from it. Don't confuse them with the Pilgrims, who were Separatists.  

  5. They came came to America to get away from the limited religious freedom in Britain at the time.  The opposite of what we were taught in public schools (those bastions of liberal anti-Americanism).

    They enforced religious intolerance in the New World, in a failed effort to establish a "Shining City on the Hill" that would dazzle people everywhere into joining their particular brand of intolerance, or divine vision of God's ideal of purity and self-hate, however you want to look at it.

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