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Ok i was thinking of getting a purity ring. Im 13. I dont think i wanna have s*x before im married but i dont know. Please help should i get one? im not really completley religious like i go to church every sunday and pray a lot but not like really really religious. and im not doing it just cuz of the cleberties they did inspire me though help please and where could i get a nice one mayb with a diamond? thnxxx




  1. I'm really not sure where u can get one. Maybe, a ring store. I want one to badly, I'll probley go 2 a diamond store. Good luck girl! :)

  2. You don't have to have a nice one to show that you want to wait to have s*x. i got mine for cheap and it says LOVE on it.

    Just find a ring you like a make a promise on it.

    [: i think you should get one.

    everyone should commit.

  3. I dont think you should get one, maybe when you get older you change your mind. You can do abstinence without any promise or nothing

  4. are you a jonas brothers fan?

  5. I think it would be good for you to get one as long as you stand by what you believe in.  They have some really nice ones on this site...

  6. By getting a purity ring, you're making a promise to yourself and God. If you're not sure you're going to wait until marriage, I think you should just wait until you're sure, otherwise you'd be breaking a really big promise with God.

    Also, I wouldn't get a purity ring that has a diamond on it. If I were you, I'd get a simple one for a couple of reasons. (1) diamonds on young girls look a little gaudy, and (2) wearing such materialistic things go against every basic Christian principle. There isn't a single passage in the Bible that would condone someone buying something so expensive for themselves when the church is based on charity and love. I have no doubt God would rather you spend the few hundred dollars on someone who has no food than a lonely 13-year-old finger.

    You don't need a ring to show your commitment. It is a strong covenant that no one really even needs to know about but you and God. And if you want my two cents, I think it's important that you wait for someone you truly love, even if you're not married, and always, always be safe!

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