
Purple Eyes?

by Guest66489  |  earlier

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I am writing a book and i need to know HOW purple like Liv Taylor's eyes are. Are they just purplish-blue, or are they like violet?

I need to know if it is impossible to have bright, bright purple eyes.

Does anyone have real bright purple eyes?

(also, a close-up, un-photoshoped Elizabeth Taylor photo would be great)




  1. lol.  liv tyler.  elizabeth taylor.  two different people. ;)  elizabeth taylor is known for having purple eyes, although in pictures it doesn't really look like it to me.  google image search.

  2. they dont look very purplish to me.

    they kinda do in that one but i think it looks photoshopped.

    i dont think its possible to have purple eyes

  3. People say Liv Taylor's eyes are violet, but all the pictures I've ever seen are more of a purplish blue. But if she wears the right things, I suppose they could look more violet, but that's it.

    I know someone whose eyes are a grey/silver color but they sometimes look lavender depending on what he is wearing and on the surrounding area.

    I'm fairly sure bright, bright, purple eyes don't occur naturally.
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