
Purple legs? Any ideas whats wrong?

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So latly my legs have been kinda pupleish. Its hard to explain. You can see little dots everywhere from when I shaved. I highly doubt its ingrown hairs though, because I dont get any pain, itching, and what not. It looks gross, I dont know how to get rid of it. I would go to a dermitoligist, but thats out of the question because of money issues.

Any ideas or anyone who has suggestions of what it is?




  1. possible answers:

    -irritation from shaving especially if legs are dry

    (also look at diet here too)

    -reaction to a cream or laundry soap

    -poor circulation

  2. If you shaved dry (no lotion) or just started shaving, and then went out in the sun in shorts, you may have obtained razor burn.  You can apply some lanacane or aloe.  Time will heal it.

  3. Yeah I get that too, usually when my legs are quite pale. I put it down to being able to see the roots of the hairs through the skin because it's so transparent. If anyone has a better explanation, I'd love to hear it too!  

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