
Purple lips Help!!!!!

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Hi, I'm a tad worried, I'm 17 years old and not the healthiest girl.

For the last couple of days my top lips has felt rubbery and odd.

I am not prone to coldsores.

I just noticed that on the right side (my right side) of my top lip has turned a dark purple sort of colour with some dark red added.

Ive drank some water, and havent ate anything odd today apart from a yoghurt this mroing but the sensation started a couple of days ago. i am a worrier! as im sure you can see!




  1. Your symptoms suggest a blood clot.  Blood clots can obstruct blood flow to tissue (blue) and nerves (numb/rubbery).  Blood clots are formed by tissue damage, being sedentary, or infection.  So, this could come from a sinus infection, sitting around too much, or whacking your face.  Raynaud's Phenomenon (brought on by emotional stress or cold) could also be the culprit, however it doesn't impact the lips that frequently.

    Non-life threatening clots can resolve on their own.  However, you really should be evaluated by a doctor.  I'm not one to say this very often, but at 17 years old, for any of the above to be an issue points to something of concern.  Specifically you should have a blood culture with differential.  If you are on birth control, the doctor may want to revisit the issue.

  2. Purple Lips...I would go to the hospital...could be something to do with blood flow!

  3. to me it sounds like a bruise,
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