
Purple marks on my back?

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I've got these dark purple marks about halfway up my back to the right of my spine. I first noticed them about 2 months ago, and I thought they'd have gone, but they haven't :(

Does anyone have any idea of what these could be?

I'm not in any pain from them or anything, I just want to know if it's anything worth getting worried about.





  1. go to a dermatologist ASAP.

  2. Perhaps they are spider veins, thin broken veins.  They tend to be hereditary.  

  3. It sounded like old acne scars at first to me, but you said they are new. It would help if you posted a picture, but if I was you I would really go to see your doctor. It could be nothing, but if not it would be good to know.

    Also are you white or black? What is youe race? Have you had a lot of sunburns in your life? Could it possibly be sun cancer? You should really go see a doctor.

    Good Luck to you.

  4. I would be freaking out if I discovered marks like that on my body and I didn't know how they got there.  It would be different if you had been injured in some way that caused them, but you don't even mention being sick or feeling bad recently.  Get to the doctor, and stop wasting time.  

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