
Purposes of nursing theory in clinical pratice?

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it is for our report,can some help me

it is hard to lead this report




  1. Nursing theories attempt to provide structure for nursing practice, in short. Some are weird, dealing with energy fields and what-not that are laughable when considered in any clinical context. Some provide an approach to patient care, say based on patient needs or various deficits. They attempt to tie together the psychosocial, emotional, and physical aspects of living into a coherent whole. Others make a little more sense. For example. Dr. Patricia Benner has done a lot of research over the years describing how nurses transition from novices to experts. Yeah, a lot of it is pretty academic, but what I appreciated was a structure, behaviors for the various stages, and methods of getting nurses from point a to point b. At the time I first learned of her, I was a graduate (MSN) student at the University of California, San Francisco where she is faculty. I was on active duty as a Navy nurse, and had run many inpatient units with nurses who were new graduates and who had very little understanding of clinical practice. Doctors have a structure in place that gets them from medical student to competent practitioner via internships, residencies, and a lot of structured training along the way after med school. Nurses don't really have anything similar: you graduate, pass your state boards, and jump in. The problem is that many new nurses have very little clinical experience. Anyway, I found Benner's approach quite practical. Good luck with your presentation!

  2. Purpose of Nursing Theory in Education is: To establish the profession's place in the university.

    Nursing theory is more firmly established in education than in clinical practice primarily because it was used to establish the profession's place in the university.

    The nursing programs of the 1970s and 1980s identified:

    The major concepts in one or two nursing models

    Organized these concepts into a conceptual framework

    And attempted to organize the entire curriculum around that framework

    Within this unique framework evolved:

    Program objectives

    Course objectives

    Course descriptions

    Clinical performance criteria

    The goal was to:

    Elucidate the central meanings of the profession

    And to gain status vis-à-vis other professions

    Many nursing programs have abandoned theory-driven conceptual frameworks because they became so torturous at times that neither the faculty nor the students understood clearly what was meant.

    Purpose of Nursing Theory in Research is: To help us identify gaps in the way we approach specific fields of study such as:

    Symptom management

    Or quality of life

    Different theoretical perspectives also help create:

    New ideas

    Research questions

    And interpretations

    Grand theories "occasionally" direct nursing research.

    Midlevel theories more often inform nursing research. The focus is upon exploration of concepts such as:





    Qualitative research in nursing and the social sciences also come from philosophy or the social sciences theories.

    Critical theories in nursing help explain how race, gender, sexual orientation, and economic class affect patient experiences and health outcomes.

    Purpose of Nursing Theory in Clinical Practice: Provides the facilitation of reflection, questioning, and thinking about what nurses do.

    Nursing theory in a clinical setting primarily provides the facilitation of reflection, questioning, and thinking about what nurses do. Nurses and nursing practice is often subordinated to powerful institutional forces and traditions. Therefore, any type of framework that encourages nurses to think about and question what they do provides an invaluable service.

    Source: Fundamentals of Nursing, Concepts, Process, and Practice, Seventh Edition by Kozier, Erb, Berman and Snyder

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