
Push Ups, Pull Ups, and Sit Ups?

by  |  earlier

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Since I can no longer go to the gym any more because of soccer I am stuck working out in my room. I have a pull up bar and push up handles. Also I have ankle weights (for leg lifts and added pull ups.) I am 15 years old and in pretty good shape. I can do 20 pull ups, 45 push ups, and 65 sit ups in a minute. I wanted to know a good routine with these three exercises. And the correct amount of sets and reps. Also it can be any type of ab work out not just sit ups. Lastly I am presuming that I can do this daily and hopefully not plateau.

Thanks, Also I will give ten points for those that care.




  1. You cant lost fat doing those three exercises you need cardio. Do yourself a favor and get a jump rope and jump at home for 30 minutes a day. Your cardio will go through the roof.  

  2. You seem to be in pretty good shape so the following routine should be something you can do.

    Try alternating the following two workouts:

    Workout 1

    Wide grip pullups - 3 sets of 10 reps

    Feet elevated pushups - 3 sets of 15 reps

    Hanging leg raises - 3 sets of 15 reps

    Chair dips - 2 sets of 10 reps

    Workout 2

    Reverse grip chinups (palms facing you) - 3 sets of 15 reps

    One arm pushups - 3 sets of 5 reps per arm

    Leg raise ab killer - 1 cycle of the following: 5 side knee raise right side, 5 side knee raise left side, 5 knee raises center, 5 leg raises.

    As far as man b***s are concerned, as you get leaner, they should disappear.  

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