
Pushing Myself?

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Okay today was suppose to be my first volleyball practice for high school. I went to practice but I was a bit late and I guess the team already went out the field or the weight room to work on conditioning stuff. I wasn't aware of this and I didn't know where to look for them since I wasn't familiar with the school. Anyhow I'm going to practice tomorrow and I'll make sure I'm extra early. The problem is that I heard practice was really hard. They had to do conditioning stuff like crunches with the barbell thing on the shoulders, running a mile, and some other stuff. I'm not prepared at all, if i only knew we had to do conditioning stuff then I would of at least prepare myself. So tomorrow how can I push myself so I don't end up quitting like the other girls after practice. I also have to work harder because I basically missed today's practice and have to make up for it. What do I tell myself when my body says quit?




  1. are you kidding me in volleyball you don't have to run at all

    its kinda  a crappy game i my opinion

    you just have to hit the ball over the net no conditioning or strength involved

    if you can't do that you cant do anything

  2. try and volly a ball in ur back yard by urself and keep on doing the excersises that ur doing u need a lot of stanama in volly ball! = D good luck!!! <3 ♥ <3

  3. just don't think about the pain.

    in your head think about something else

    apologize to the coach and explain what happened

    make sure you are extra early

  4. hey mind over matter. if you think you can do it you can. whatever you do DO NOT think about the pain. it helps to think of things in intervals like "hey I just made it one lap, that wasnt so bad, I can do another one". When you have breaks definately take advantage of them. If you do running and stuff always try to win the first and last sprint of the day- good impression from the coach to start, and a good impression to leave them with.

  5. Mind is the most important thing. You have to know the limits of your body, and push your body to those limits. If you don't think you can do it, you won't. Just keep telling yourself that everything in the world matters on what you do. Don't think about the pain, quitting, or anything negative. Think about how good it'll feel once you're done and you know you've given your full effort. Trying feels a lot better than quitting.

  6. Think about what you want to be doing in September.  Do you want to be in the stands cheering for the team?  Or do you want to be ON the team?  Try thinking about that.

  7. If you have enough passion for the sport and want it really badly. JUST GET IT OVER WITH! Not to be mean, but that's the best way. That's how I was my freshmen year. I've never worked out so hard in my life. Tryouts are usually harder than actually practices. Im not saying practices are easy, but the coaches will prob loosen up a bit. After a week or two, you'll be used to all the running and jumping and whatnot. DONT QUIT.
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