
Pushing against invisable force?

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Ive had differnt dreams where I am trying to run away from something or run towards someone but my body wont move. I am running but its in slow-mo. I can feel the pressure against my legs like when you run under water or against a strong wind. I am trying my hardest to push my body and Ican feel all the engery and strength it takes to push against this pressure but I cover little ground.

What can this mean?




  1. This is symbolic of how you feel sometimes. Maybe at the time 0f the dreams you are experiencing a feeling of not being able to find answers. It can feel like we are pushing against the wind. The odds seem stacked against us and we wonder if we are doing the right thing. If that is the case, I would look for alternatives to what you have been attempting as this could be a sign you could be more successful by trying another approach.

  2. the bible tells us we fight not against flesh and blood ,you try to do what is right in your own strenght but you fail it gonna take the power of god to free you from this evil force

  3. sounds like you have some issues that you have to solve..and you dont know what to do

  4. Hi, it means your trying to run away from yourself but you cant.

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