
Pushing buggies?

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why is it when people push baby buggies they think they own the pavement.. have a bit more respect for others on them




  1. So are you saying that people who use puschairs should step out on to the road, just so that they can let somebody pass??

    It is called consideration.

  2. please dont judge us all the same i always think of others when pushing my buggie in the area i live in people often park cars on the pavement so us mums cant get past now is that fair to us????????also is it fair when us polite mums who do make space for others or wait for people to pass in a small space, get no thanks?is it fair to say that every white person is a racist? or that every person of a different culture is a mugger or muderer? i know im pointing out some hash points but what im getting at is you can not tar everyone with the same brush everyone in this world is an indervidual so maybe if you were a bit more polite to mothers with buggies we might be more polite to you x

  3. yea , wats up wit dat ,i got a gang of 4 moms dat line up accross da road ,turnin it into a single lane street , cute behinds thou

  4. I don't think thats fair of you to say at all. Would you prefer a woman/ mother and her child move onto the road to make space for you a single person walking down the street?? C'mon have some respect!!

  5. Haha yeah i noticed that! one lady ran over my friend's toe, she didn't even apologise!

  6. Have a bit more respect for young children. They will grow up and have to take care of you some day.....they will also be in charge of society some day

  7. thats certainly not the case for ALL people who push pushchairs! do not judge everyone.....

    i always try to make way for people, and very rarely get a thanks - even when i wait at the end of the path for someone to walk down. maybe i could say that people who DONT have pushchairs have no mannors?

    or are they, too, individuals?

  8. I always say, as soon  as I put my hands on the pushchair handles I become invisible! People walk in front of me, never, ever say thank you when I let them pass and very very rarely give way and let me pass. Most of the time they just stand their ground and refuse to move over a bit, which means I have to and it is difficult to manoeuvre a pushchair in a busy shopping centre.

    So it is definitely not just people pushing buggies who need to have more respect for others!

  9. I know exactly what you mean! But its the 15 year old single parent chavs which are the worst. I know you cant just walk into them but you would expect them to move over a little or keep to one side of the pavement instead of going straight down the middle. So what if they have a child they dont need to ruin everyones day!

  10. because the safety of the child over rides you and me, come on give them a break...

  11. yes i think so to

  12. Ok here is a situation I had when my daughter was young.  A woman cut in front of my STATIONARY buggy and tripped over the front of it and guess whos fault it was, yes mine, even though I wasnt going anywhere, I even apologised knowing it wasnt my fault!!.  I wont repeat the names she called me, luckily I had witness to stick up for me at the time.

    Not ALL people with buggies think they own the pavement only some.  Please to judge us all!!
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