
Put finishing hops in boiling for 13 minutes before realizing it and soon replaced it with the actual boiing?

by  |  earlier

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what can I expect to happen....?




  1. If you are saying that you added ALL your hops in the boil you will have a higher IBU and thus a more bitter beer. It will be drinkable for sure just more bitter. If you have no more hops the beer will have a bit less hop aroma. This is because you have no finishing or steeping hops which are used solely for aroma. So lesson learned. Enjoy your homebrew.

    **The reason for adding the finishing hops at the end is because we want the hop oils to give a wonderful aroma. Being a volatile chemical these oils are rapidly boiled away with the steam in the kettle. So the less amount of time in the boil the greater amount is retained in the beer. This is another reason to dry-hop in the fermenter.

    There is some thought that by hopping throughout the boil a complex hop bitter-flavor-aroma profile is produced into the beers' flavor analysis. {This may be hop additions every 5 or 10 minutes for example.}

  2. First guy pretty much nailed it... more bitterness, less of an aroma because you boiled away the most of the hop oils responsible for smell. As he pointed out, though, you should have a more complex hope profile than you would have.

    It won't ruin your beer by any means, but the final product may be a little different than what you were going for.

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