
Put in another request to get a blood test.?

by  |  earlier

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hopefully the nurse will take me seriously this time. i mean i am 12 dpo, been testing positive on opks for 8 days(on two different brand today).

i also have an article someone gave me that i am going to bring with me to show them that it is possible.

there's my chart, it still looks promising to me, and to about half of the 13 people that voted on it.

its not very similar to my last chart and last cycle i did use opks about the same time and the were negative. i dont have pcos so that's not what it is.

i have no other conditions that would affect it either-not taking any meds except pre-natal vitamins.

last time i tried to get a blood test she tried to tell me they were the same as the home tests, i think she's full of it.

i know the urine tests are exactly the same but i am pretty sure blood tests are A LOT more sensitive then a pee test.




  1. Tell her you want a quantitative Blood test

    HCG appears in the blood and urine of pregnant women as early as 10 days after conception. Quantitative HCG measurements can precisely predict the age of the fetus.

    This test is also done to diagnose abnormal conditions that can raise HCG levels.

  2. I still think your chart looks promising. Have you missed your period yet though? She probably won't do it if you haven't. I would just try to be patient (I know, MUCH easier said then done.) But then if it doesn't show then I would request the blood test again. Good luck and I am sending tons of baby dust to you!

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