
Put my boat in gear and start moving the motor starts to rev high and loses power.?

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Put my boat in gear and start moving the motor starts to rev high and loses power.?




  1. you probobly spun the hub in the prop. is it an outboard or I/O? take the prop off and see if there is any melted rubber. you may also take the bottom drain plug out of the gearcase and check the gear lube

  2. If it's an out board these guys are all on the right track, if it is an inboard or I/O then my guess would be transmission related, bad clutches internally, or possible low on fluid, but hopefully if it is low on fluid you didn't run it too long or else we're back to bad clutches internally.

  3. Check for a bad prop hub, or a sheared prop key.

  4. smell for burning rubber smell or grinding in the lower unit. If you smell rubber, it could be an engine coupler (inboard/outboard) if you hear grinding, your could have a worn clutch ring, or sheared gears....

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