
Put my unborn childs pic (my ultrasound) on the internet without my permission?

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My exs new girlfriend whom he lives with, well she posted my ultrasound pic on her myspace. She didn't say it was hers but she has comments on there for others saying its her and congratulations and yada yada. I didn't not give her permission to put in on the internet. I mistakenly gave him a pic in an attempt to make things civil between us. And this is what he does. I am not trying to persue anything with him and have not for some time now. I have tried to get along with her but she has repeatedly said things about my child being a new addition to her family and talks about my child as her own. Now yes I am thankful or was thankful she was willing to be so great about my son but its also going overboard now. I have been through so much stress due to her comments about me and the baby and it becoming her family. (they have only been dating 3 months btw and they got together while I was with him) Its almost as if she thinks I am having this baby for them. I guess I am just wondering if anyone thinks the same as me I mean. Thats my unborn child on the internet without my permission.




  1. honestly I would tell her off!

  2. Yea, that is totally wrong.. and how dare she try to claim this baby as part of her family when they've only been together for 3 months? That girls a fruit loop!  Please dont let them have overnight visits for awhile because I'm afraid she may very well try to keep your baby.

  3. wow man..

    well first of all congrats on the baby :)

    maybe you should tell him to have her take them off? and to just confront her about all this? im not sure, but i would be pissed too fi i was in this situation

    hope all goes well!


  4. technically, it is his child as well. so the picture is being used with his permission as it is his child.

    my best bet is to contact myspace about it if you''re really getting annoyed....

    otherwise, just let it go.  you know it's your child. she's mad jealous. let it go, since u wanted to be civil w. him. you know the truth, they know the truth. they're the ones that have a picture, not the actual baby.

  5. I think thats very odd that she would post a picture of YOUR child on the internet, and allow others to assume its hers.

    You'd have to be very crazy to do that.

    Just because her boyfriend gave you a squirt (sorry to be so blunt) doesn't mean she will be raising him.

    Make that clear.

  6. Sorry, perhaps I am hormonal. But that is your baby!!!!

    Tell your ex and then kick her ***! You don't share an uterus.

  7. I really wouldn't worry about it! First of all, they are YOUR ultrasound pictures but she obviously got a hold of them and decided to pst them but you know whose they are. Plus, it is your baby and you know that too! Don't worry about her you and your baby will know who mommy is. Plus, you don't know if their relationship will last or not so quit stressing for the baby's sake! Once you have your little one you can go to court and set some pretty tight boundaries. I am sure it does not appeal to you right now but maybe you could cut her some slack. She isn't the one that hurt you, he is! Just make sure she understands YOU are mommy not her.  

  8. I don't blame you I would be pissed.. Ask her to take it down and if she doesn't talk to him and see if you can have him delete it. Sounds to me that she thinks with her being with him that the baby is just as much hers. Tell him you don't want her around the baby and make him come to you to see it. Good luck hope everything works out for you.  

  9. wow, yeah I don't blame you for being upset.

    There is something wrong with her to even think that's okay...

    I don't know what to suggest, but have  you tried to talk your ex or talk to her about this...???

  10. omg! what a total weirdo!

    i would go mental if someone put my scan pics on without my permission. its just not normal, shes not your partner and your not having her baby! she sound like shes a bit of a bunny boiler, scan pics are quite personal to you so why would you want your ex's partner to share in that?

    personally, id go n have serious words with her and your ex, tell her your not happy or comfortable with what she has done and ask her to remove it, if she dont, give her a slap and then remind her that she wont be there at the birth either (just incase thats what she got in mind)!

    good luck !!

  11. Ew, she sounds way creepy.

    Does your copy of the ultrasound have your name at the top? If so, report the image to Myspace...she can't post your pictures without your permission.

    Talk to your ex...tell him you feel like she's being invasive without making it sound like you're jealous...if he does nothing to prevent or improve the situation, allow your child support lawyer to be the next form of contact between you and him.

  12. I would lose it completely. Who the h**l does she think she is. Keep her as far away from your baby as possible after it comes out.

  13. She needs your permission ... talk to the guy its possible she asked him permission but you are the one carrying your son...

    your ex's GF is getting on my nerves just by your question ... Its not her son ... dont give them any more pictures unless they respect you ... its as if you are their Surrogate ... your just a womb that will give them a baby ... You are the one doing the work and shes taking credit!! I bet if she could she would say its hers ...

    F*ck keeping it civil ... shes a pig!

  14. whats there to be mad about...shes the one that looks stupid having her man ex girlfriends baby ultrasound posted on the net...and then you pregnant for him. She looks like a *** being with a man that has a baby on the way...girl I don't see no stress in that. what is there to stress over...everything is in your favor anyway. i would take that to my advantage!

  15. There isn't much you can do...They are just as much his pictures now that you gave them to him and can give permission to whoever to put them where ever.  I would try to ignore what she says about the baby. You know and so does she that it is YOUR baby. You don't have to tell her that. If she stays with your ex then it will become part of her family and there isn't anything you can do about it. It is very hard to take a child especially a newborn baby away from a mother. When the parents are not married..Until there is a paternity test and a court ordered paternity, he is only the PRESUMED father, even if he signs the birth certificate and until that test he has NO rights to the baby. (My sister just went through all this and I heard this all from the lawyers mouth) Not saying I agree with that.. it is just the way it is.  In Indiana, the parenting time guidelines don't allow overnight visits until the child is at least 3 unless otherwise agreed upon by the parents. If you don't want him to have overnights, don't let him bc if you do, he can argue that he has had the baby overnight and cared for it and will then be awarded overnights if you go to court. You can look up the laws for your state on the internet for where you live. Search for "your state" parenting time guidelines. I would detach myself from your ex and her during the pregnancy. That means don't talk to him unless you need to bc of the baby  You don't ever have to talk to her though and don't look at her myspace :) How is she sending you comments on the computer? Put her on ignore!!! Don't go looking for stress hun. Ignore don't need stress during your pregnancy.  Best of luck!!!!  

  16. How did you find out about her posting your child's ultrasound pic ?

    I would tell your ex boyfriend about it, and tell you him you don't agree with that.

  17. It's easier to just let this go . Your child is fortunate to have so many people who care .You're being entirely too touchy, this girl has issues,yes, but you'll never be able to change it. Remain civil and get used to your ex having  psycho women around, your powerless to change what  does unless your child is in harms way.

  18. omg that terrible hun.

    she has no right and you really should say something to her or him preferably. it your baby and she is acting like a crazy person.

    tell them how you feel. x hope it gets better

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