
Put plant under indoor flourecent light?

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I brought an indoor plant in to my work that says it can tolerate shade. Yet it looks like it might be dying and I think it's because it's not really getting any sunlight. A lady I work with told me to move it to the other side of my desk so that it will be directly under the flourecent light in the ceiling. Does this really work? I thought it would have to get actual sunlight but she says that any type of light will do.




  1. There is a certain light spectrum the lamp must output for this to work.  Special fluorescent lamps are available which output this very spectrum.

    Try this:

  2. Some plants do really well in fluorescent lights, others do not.

    Fluorescent lights are much richer in the blue wavelengths, and photosynthesis is the most efficient with red and yellow wavelengths; hence, some plants simply don't do well indoors under fluorescent lights.  It depends on the plant species.  Some handle the blue wavelenghts better than others.

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