
Put up for adoption?!?

by Guest44527  |  earlier

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ok my parents died in a car acident and now me and my twin sister are going to be put up for adoption because none of my family can take care of us! i don't want to be put up for adoption! i'm scared that if whoever adopts us will stop letting me act and sing! what should i do??!!




  1. homey i was adopted too the people that chose you will support you in all your endevors trust me mine did!

  2. im so sorry honey, it will be ok. they only pick people who are good and capiable to care for you, I hope you 2 wont get seperated. good luck kiddo, Im always on here if you want to talk

  3. Just make sure that you tell the social worker that your art is important to you.  They will make sure that the adoptive parents are open to supporting you.

  4. Here in Oklahoma where I live a child of your age gets to say wether or not a couple adopts them.  I adopted 6 children and there was a 6 month period of them being placed in my home before the adoption was final and at any time during that period, the child could call the case worker and refuse the adoption and be placed into another home, also, if there are any friends family or friends of your mom and dad that you would want to be adopted by that would want you and your sister, you can also tell your worker and they can see if they would adopt you on a kinship adoption, you don't have to be family to be kinship.  The agency will not place you in a home that does not match you and your sister.  Very careful screening is done on prospective parents.  Just be yourself and remember, your new parents are not trying to replace your mom and dad, they are just picking up where they left off and finishing off the work your mom and dad started.  You sound like great kids and I am sure any family will be lucky to have you and your sister in it.  Remember, your mom and dad may be in heaven, but they are still looking down on you and would not want you and your sister to be without a family, your mom and dad are up in heaven, hand picking the mom and dad they want to finish the work they begun, so give it a chance and don't be afraid to love or be loved by your new parents.

  5. You will get home visits with potential adopt iv parents

    you can let them know your interest and check them out

    also in most states you can't be adopted with out your

    permission you are most likely a ward of the state rite

    now and should have a guardian who speak es for you

    that can be Department of child service if you are talk

    to your case worker let him or her know how you feal

    at most you only have 4 years before you are old enough

    to be on your Owen and it is not easy fore teens to be adopted for that reason

  6. You should, at your age, be able to have a say in who adopts you.  In most states once a child is somewhere between 12 & 14 they can put a stop to a particular set of adoptive parents.

    I know lots of adoptive parents & I can't think of a single one who would make you stop singing & acting.  Express that as something that is very important to you to your case worker and your adoption worker.  They'll make sure that's communicated to prospective adoptive parents.

  7. You know you are not alone you never know that the people who find and want you are gonna love you and want to encourage you to your dreams they don't let parents adopt kids that are not capable of not to take care of you . so just chill relax and do some yoga and be patient you never know when something can go good.      -       HOPE FOR THE BEST- CRYSTAL

  8. I am so so sooooo sorry for your loss Brandi. Make sure to talk to your social worker and let them know how important singing and acting are to your emotional well being.

  9. If this is really true, as a social worker I can tell you that they will keep you together.

    I don't know how old you are, but many agencies give the children a say in who adopts them.

    If this is real, please post a little more info...what state are you in and how old are you.

    If this is real, I will try and help you.......

  10. awww honey I am sorry for your situation. I am sure evrything will turn out fine and whom ever takes you in will let you act and sing. Just have faith that everything will work it's self out.

  11. Me and my hubby are lookin into adopting if i don't get preggers if I adopted someone your age and thats what you wanted to do I wouldn't stop you by no means!

    Good Luck and email me or add me on messenger if you would like to talk same username!

  12. I am so sorry to hear about your parents.

    If your are eligable for adoption the court won't put you with a family that you don't match well with.  The idea is for you to be in a stable home. Tha family who you are matched with aren't looking to ruin the dreams of some young kids. They are looking for kids who they can love and help too.

    This is your choice for the most part. Just remember to let them know your aspiration and ask them if they'll help you acheive your dreams.

    Good luck and I'll pray that you find the right family

  13. dude stay calm ive been there you will probally be put into foster care for a couple months then you'll met people who want to adopt can ask questions and if you dont like them then let them know.Its long and hard process but in the end it will all work out(you might want to keep child protective services number on hand some foaster parents can be abusive trust me i know).
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